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Hi guys,

Just a quick one. I'm in the middle of moving to a new PC. I got it today, so I'm in the midst of transferring files that I need etc, from my old PC to my new one. I've got quite a bit to move over, so it's not a quick process. There will be no post today, but I'm hopeful to get back cracking tomorrow. Thank you for understanding.

FYI: Having this new PC will only make things better for you guys in the future. Not to mention I've had an idea I've been wanting to try for a long time, but been bottlenecked by an old CPU & GPU. 

Here's to the future!

Cheers guys :)




Chris S

Awesome mate! :)


pity if you waited for July 2022 you got a nice nvidea 4090 :)


Have you considered just putting your storage into your new PC, so then not only do you not have to transfer files but you also have all of the space from your previous PC + the new stuff


I might pick one up eventually. Let's see that Benchmark first ;)


I transferred one SSD, but I had my PC a long time and files were all over the place. Had to move them around regardless sadly.