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Hi guys,

I’ve had a weekend from hell and haven’t been home much until now due to being in and out of hospital. I’m ok. It’s something that’s a family matter.

Just want to take this time to apologise because April hasn’t been a good month for me with a lot going on IRL and that’s reflected on my work here.

That being said. I’m hoping for a much better month in terms of the amount of content I create, because honestly everything else kind of sucks right now.

New page of Kari tonight and I’ll get those links sorted for Unchaste for Admirer(+) tiers.

I hope you’re all well and thanks again for you ongoing support.


Owen Caple

Hope you’re well! Don’t sweat it, health is paramount, as is family so take your time and do what’s best for you!

Mika W

I wish you and your loved ones all the best.


Glad you're okay, was thinking yesterday of asking in discord if you were. As Owen said do whatever's best for you, if you need more that's no problem for me and hopefully everyone else.


Don't worry 3dk, the first thing is the first and the most important thing is that you and your family are well, I'm very glad that you're back and you'll see how this month will be great for you ^^

Near Uchiha

Don't apologize for this. I am subscribed to content creators that are posting way way wat less than you. Miss promised deadlines and don't even give an update about it. You do you man. You are working way harder than most content creators and you always update when something is the matther with you. But still you regularly post some content even when things are not well at your side. You got my full support. By far the best content creator on this platform. I respect that🔥❤️


I thought you had a pretty productive April. I'm subscribed to 7 content creators and you are one of the most regular posters.


No worries.


Real life takes presidence. Family is more important than worrying about posting deadlines. Take the time you need, don't worry about anything else.


Wow! Reading something like this really cheered me up! Thanks a lot, dude :)


Well hopefully this Month I'll be able to do even better!


I always worry! That's my problem! Thanks regardless though, man!


I am really sorry to hear that something like this happened to you. Thank you for keeping us updated. It's very heartwarming to see that you are really enjoying creating content and that you don't want to disappoint us. Don't worry about late deadlines there are more important things in life.


I'll always try my hardest to keep everybody updated. You all mean a lot to me!