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Hi guys,

Sorry for being kind of absent lately, I've had a week from hell. 

Last Wednesday I was in a car accident which wasn't my fault. At first I felt like I was OK and I even came back and did an update to the current sequence that same night! It wasn't until the next couple of days after that I started to be in pain and started suffering from heavy aches and pains down the entire left side of my body (Same side the car accident occurred). This then caused me to feel uncomfortable at my desk and want to just kind of lay down. This problem has now gone, I'm physically back to normal hooray?

Not really. I've been feeling down in a slump for the last couple of days. Weak and unfocused. Because of this I decided to take a COVID test and I got a positive result today. That kind of explains why I've been feeling so shit. Seems the main symptom I'm suffering from is massive fatigue. 

Regardless, I'm actually at my PC today for the first time in a while and I'm going to see if I can power through and make an update to Sister Rivalry today. 

I also want to take a second to say that I've read the comments from the POLL regarding your favourite characters and I loved how some of you speculated on how you think it's all going to end. I love the investment you guys have in my stories :D!

I'm going to leave it there for now. I'll try and work as much as I can, but things might slow down a little until I feel 100% again. I'm sorry about this.

Stay safe. Thanks for your on-going support!


Mika W

OMG, i wish you a speedy recovery. Take care of your self and get better.


if everything goes as usual you will be bored staying indoors for two months. We hope you recover from covid soon.


omg, please take care of yourself and get well soon


Fortunately it's only ten days where I am! Thank you!