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Hello everybody!

Firstly, I'm sorry for how quiet I've  been over the weekend+ I just needed a little bit of time away from the computer and to take a little personal time. I feel refreshed after having a weekend full of activities with friends and family, but now it's back to what I do best ;). 

So... What's to come:

First release of Unchaste (plus more) - Chapter Three: 

In all honesty, I could release something (all be it small) now, but I kind of want a decent chunk to release. Almost like a prologue to Chapter Three itself! Something to set the scene before weekly/monthly releases to be able to leave you wanting more with each update!  I'll release a teaser for that over the next couple of days, so keep an eye out!

Commission #1:

Yep! Somebody has issued a commission and I'll be releasing it here for everybody to see. It's a Moral Degeneration themed one more set on Corruption aspects than Bimbofication aspects (unless the commissioner changes his/her mind). Expect the first release to be at the very latest on Friday!

Commission #2:

A second commission has been issued and this story is something completely different which I'm really looking forward to! It's sort of an age-regression theme and it's going to be pretty lengthy! I'll be starting this in a couple of weeks, so look forward to that!

My very own sequence:

I could start this between commissions or after. I've got a fantastic idea and you can expect it to be 20 pages long like Louise's Training and Laura's Corruption! The theme? You'll just have to wait and see what I've got cooked up for you guys!

A concept... Something I'm going to try experiment with and show to you guys:

Don't want to go too much into this, but I've got an idea which I'm not 100% sure will work or not, but I'm going to give it a go and see what your verdict on it is. I don't think it's been done before, so that's something!

FUCK! I have a busy month! I'd best get to it right ;)?

Thanks for your on-going support!