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Hey guys,

Well then! Miss James certainly enjoyed herself in the first physical part of her Sex Education class! I wonder what part of her body she will explore next in order to... teach the class! 

The final part of the Sex Education arc will be out next week at some time! Along with Unchaste and something else.

Here is the link:


What did you think of Part Two!? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you for your on-going support!




Picture this guys. Squirt competition, POTUS vs star teacher. Epic.


I guess she's right, her mind is broken. I really like how this still is shrouded in mystery. Even though we have more details than we did at the beginning. I'm not even sure what the plan is in this case do they want Liam to emancipate himself from his mom? Interested that Alan seems to have had a glow up. Still a freak though 😂😂🤣