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Hey guys,

Well here we go then! Here is my first release of my Visual Novel - Breaking My Step-Mother!

I'm a little nervous about releasing this as it's my first time doing a VN! Regardless, I hope that you like what I have so far and you can see where I'm going with it! I'm going to hold a poll eventually to see if it's worth continuing or not. I do hope you guys think it is, but I'm not going to spend my time on something that isn't universally wanted! I've got enough on my plate as it is!

It's worth noting that development has been slow on this, but that doesn't reflect how quick development would be in the future if this had demand. It's a gamble in my eyes. Let's hope it pays off!

Anyway, I'm just going to let you play it and make your own minds up!

Please feel free to comment below on your thoughts. It would be much appreciated!

Here are the links to both Windows and MAC versions:

Visual Novel

Thanks for your on-going support guys!




Im already more intrested in His little goth GF.

Static Noise

Very solid for your first try at a VN. I'm already curious how it will continue. Love the idea of Adeline's manipulation attempt backfiring on her.