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Bignews is 40 renders and 350 lines of code long so far, which already makes it the biggest scene in Chapter 1. It's about half way done. I had an idea for it that may or may not be to everyone's liking, but I think it's pretty sexy so I'm putting it in. We'll call this an experimental scene, and we'll see how everyone responds to it. 

If I hadn't mentioned it before, Bignews is a naughty scene with Nixie. She's looking just as sexy as ever. 

I had to spend the entire Sunday picking out tracks and putting them into the game. I found some good ones. Oddly enough, I think the villain of the story is going to have the coolest music track. 

I'm not going to rush Bignews. It's the only sex scene, so I'm going to make it as epic as I can. Sex scenes always take the longest to make because I refuse to compromise on quality when it comes to these scenes. They need to be exceptional. 

I do have family in town for Thanksgiving this entire week. I'm still expecting to have OtM done and out to you guys early in December. That's my plan.

Remember, once I get the first Chapter of OtM out, I'm going to start working on The Judas Ghost side by side with the second chapter of OtM. I have a new coder working on TJG, and I'm not sure exactly how much we're going to change for the next release but it could be quite a lot. TJG is definitely going to be epic. Eventually.

Thanks for all the support, and stay hydrated! 

Happy Holidays!




Awesome! Since it's the last in the series I was afraid we'd miss Nixie! Looking forward seeing a move on TJG too!!


I am very much looking forward to OtM and TJG has so much potential! Keep up the excellent work!!