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I'm going to keep this short. The Judas Ghost is in Beta testing. I'm going to wrap it up and release it to you guys tomorrow. 

I'm moving into my new house today. It's going to take me the weekend to get all setup, and then I'm going to start working on the next list of scenes for The Judas Ghost. 

I wanted to start on Moon's game right away, but I need to see how The Judas Ghost goes over with the people. If it doesn't do well, I may take a few months to spice it up before starting on Moon's game. If it goes over well, I'll start working on it in conjunction with The Judas Ghost. 

Thanks for all your support, and stay hydrated! Release is tomorrow. 



Ugh moving sucks. Good luck with that! Excited for TJG! Guess we'll just wait and see what happens with a Moon.


I put too many eggs in the TJG basket. It's the work that is going to keep me afloat. I can't monetize Over the Moon anywhere outside of Patreon and SubStar, and even that could change anytime. I don't like this any more than anyone else. I'd rather focus on making the games I want to make. But this is the world we live in. :-/


I love ALL of your past offerings! I eagerly look forward to your Over the Moon offering. I will hang in there and continue to support your work. As the saying goes... you can't please everyone all the time... Best wishes to you and yours!


Very interesting story line. Unlike most of the VN's out there. Characters are surprisingly believable. Keep up the good work. Thanks for your efforts.