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Hey Supporters,

The first four scenes are basically finished. I just have to roll them together, and finish a few more minor renders for Forgiveness. Those will be complete by next week's progress report, and then we just have a few more scenes left. Again, I'm going to release petplay and bliss as extra scenes in a final release.

I had a fish tank crack over the weekend, so I spent a significant amount of time extracting 50 gallons of fish water out of the house. I tried to catch some of the water in a big trashcan, only to find out the trashcan actually does not retain water. The water just kind of seeped very quickly out of the bottom. So, yeah, I'm dumb.

Anyway, The Judas Ghost is moving right along too. I should be able to finish up the last few scenes early next month, and then there's going to be a lot of polish that my coder and I are going to do.

Seriously, if you guys didn't go through any of the other Madds Medusa content, go through this one that'll be in the next release. It's an amazing scene. 

Every week I feel a little bit better. The itch.io fiasco was a real gut punch, and it just sapped the inspiration and motivation right out of me. The momentum is picking back up though, and we're moving at a good pace again. Sorry for that. You fall a long way, it takes time to climb back up.

That's all for this report. Thanks for all the support, and stay hydrated! 




I enjoy the Madds Madusa content, I think that could even be an interesting game on it's own. Awaiting TJS and Moon.


I've become a little obsessed with Medusa now. I've gotten a figurine for my shelf, and put a few other Medusa themed items on a wishlist.


IF you read the true tales of her, she wasn't as evil as later tales portray.


Glad things are better for you. I'm lucky I found you/itch literally two weeks before the fiasco or I wouldn't know this even exists.


Only really found out about APAT after the itch fiasco, but kinda glad I did. Now rather than a single purchase you have another recurring Patreon. I'm not really someone who ever plays paid VNs, but after the demo for APAT I just had to get more, now I'm fully caught up in just a few days. I'm also really glad I came on board after you put back in the trans-humanist content in AMOB, it's really interesting/ good and I really like Suzi's character. You are one of the very few S-teir writers for adult VNs. Most of the time it reads like a high school kid who's never kissed a girl and has failed English the past several years fantasizing. Your way with words, especially the dirty talk during the intimate scenes is probably the best of any VN I've played. Keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to how this story wraps up. (and fingers crossed for another scene or two with Sin, she's by far the most attractive of the bunch imo and I dig her dynamic)


That is high praise! I appreciate it. Part of the reason I started writing AVNs was because I similarly saw a lack in skill when it came to writing. I thought I could bring a higher quality to this space. Unfortunately, with censorship on the rise it's becoming more and more difficult to build a company. Although my writing skill is above average, my coding is terrible. I hired someone on to do the coding for The Judas Ghost, and sure enough lost half my income with the itch.io fiasco. I can kind of see why great artists tend to avoid the adult space. There's just so much risk here. The trans-humanist content is important to the story. Unfortunately, the backlash was rather wild towards it. I'm learning so much about people writing these novels. There are triggers for people that I never even thought could be triggers. I'm also learning that I can't please everyone, and it's more important to tell the story that I want to tell. Thank you for the support! I'm going to try to keep going in this space for as long as I can. There might come a day when there are no platforms left for me to stand on, but we're certainly not there yet. The Judas Ghost will be a step towards risk management, but it's still going to be an incredible story. I look forward to hearing everyone's reactions to it.


"The trans-humanist content is important to the story. Unfortunately, the backlash was rather wild towards it." - Huh, that surprises me. Anthropomorphizing computers always seemed second nature to me. I'm certainly enjoying it, and am quite fond of the near-saintly character that is Suzi. I also appreciate you've considered things like the emotional reaction of a sentience that had access to all the inputs the world has to offer. The world is incredibly fortunate that Suzi didn't just lash out in pain, and instead responded with more heart than most people who actually possess the organ.


The trans-humanist content actually has to do with the genetic engineering. But Suzi is the content I was most worried about when I released the game. Interestingly enough, most people adore Suzi. I have a specific arch-type that I tend to bring to most of my works. I should call them the Supermom Archtypes. Penny, Suzi, Judy, they all take care of the MC in some important way, with virtually supernatural powers.


Best of luck, your writing really is some of the best in the AVN space. I hope you can recoup everything on Patreon/SubscriberStar/wherever else. It's kinda crazy to see this story with all of the big advances in AI that are happening right now. People are already creating fully AI bots with custom personalities that you can have voiced conversations with. I don't think we're too far off from Suzi level companions. I realize that Suzi is more of a being born from genetic engineering than true computer AI (since she was a person prior to being an AI) but it's still trippy.