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Dear Fans, 

I want to start by apologizing profusely to everyone for the 7.9 release. It had an unlock feature that failed to function properly and acted merely as a frustrating tease. I have no excuses to give, only apologies. I have worked tirelessly to rebuild the Gallery and Act Select from the ground up so that I could get the Unlock feature running correctly. 

I also took some time to rewrite Act 2 because I didn't feel like the character's personalities fit with the later Acts of the story. I didn't Beta test it well so if you catch any misspellings or grammatical errors, please let me know. 

I should have version 7.11 out in a few hours, it will simply be the functioning Unlock feature and a revised Act 2. Let's move on to happier things! 

I know I said there wouldn't be any spoilers but I feel like this is safe enough to show you. This is just a rough draft of the new character Henry West who will play a role in both the Bonus Act of Avalon and a major role in Penny for Your Thoughts. 

Everything is going well, I'm moving right along. I want you guys to know that I'm putting in the effort and we're getting renders cranked out. I'm excited about this Bonus Act and I think you'll all like it very much. 

I'm going to do a live stream tomorrow (12/07/2020) on my Discord channel at 7:00 PM CDT (GMT-5). If you have any questions for me or if you want to learn how I work in Daz, come check it out. It's a lot of fun and you can interact with me directly. 

That's all I have for you today. I appreciate all your support. Thank you all so much!

Farewell for now.


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