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Dear Fans, 

We're at the final stretch here. I'm just finishing up the last animation tonight and then I have a few more renders to do. Then I have to write the last scene and code everything into Ren'Py. I want to say that I'll have it out this coming week but with this being the week of Thanksgiving, we may have to wait until after the holiday. But I'm going to try really hard to get it out before Thanksgiving! I won't compromise quality to do that though.

"Shh! Let's surprise him!"

I feel pretty good about this release. It took much, much longer than I'd anticipated because each pose took extra attention due to the complex nature of the poses but it's all going to be worth it in the end. This is going to be a short progress report because we're going to have this release out soon.

Remember, tomorrow I'm doing a live stream on my Discord at 7:00 CDT (GMT-5). We're going to be doing a Jedi Leah! If you're trying to learn Daz yourself, this is a great opportunity for you to come hang out with me while I work because you can ask questions and I can do my darndest to answer them! 

That's all for today. Thanks so much for all your support and I hope to see you all tomorrow.

Farewell for now! 



looking forward to it, cya tomorrow night for the live stream....