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Dear Fans,

I'm working on a rather large scene now and I haven't completely decided how I want to do it. We're looking at about two weeks, maybe three to finish it, and then I'll put out the conclusion to Avalon. 

Eris Discordia has released her first episode of Harem Highlander. If you haven't checked that out, be sure to head over to her Patreon and take a look. It's a lot of fun! 

There are two things I wanted to mention briefly:

First, I'd like to have upgraded graphic cards before I start on Penny for Your Thoughts. It's imperative to me that the pictures for Penny's game look as exceptional as possible. I already have the funds, I just have to wait for availability. This means it will likely be sometime next year when I start PfyT. Which brings me to my second thing.

Avalon's Bonus Episode has changed. It's going to be something much different than I'd originally planned. I ran it by Eris and she seemed relatively excited about this new direction so I'm going to run with it. And since I'll be waiting on new GPU's, I should have some extra time to dedicate to this bonus act. I'm not going to give any details away, I want it to be a surprise when it drops. 

That's all for this update. We're still looking at around the end of this month or early next for the release. Thanks for your support!

Farewell for now.



Always excited for more Avalon!


Soon there will be no more Dallas ;(