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For Long animations...

  • Releasing a Light version before the Full version.
    This came to mind during the post production of the most recent and biggest projects I've made to date. Since it was taking long and basically this place went almost completely silent

    So what do I mean by "Light Version"... Mostly a shorter version of the final product, with a faster sound editing and skipping music and maybe some quick voice acting, to keep you entertained while the final product is still getting finished... Like a quick demo

    This version will be Patreon exclusive since I consider it part of the process, not the final product.
  • Early Access
    From Gold Peaches and up... This works better with feedback in mind. A 7 day early access to the final animation, like a test screening to see if there are any visual mistakes or errors that can be fixed during that time before the official release.

    After the 7 day period it's released to the Bronze Cherries with all the issues fixed, then 24 or 48 hours later it goes to Gumroad and advertised on Twitter, then the Dropbox links change to free access Gumroad links where you can download or watch the content...

    Patreon > Gumroad when it comes to the final content
  • Exclusives Release
    The Platinum Eggplants tier in its description is gonna have content exclusive to it. The plan is releasing that content 30 days later. That includes extra animations or Extended versions of Longer animations... The 30 day countdown starts when the content is officially published as the final product, with no more changes.

For Shorter animations... 

  • Kinds of short animations
    These usually will be either Loops or quick Start to Finish animations with no extra scenes or angles.

    There's also the case where there could be added 1 or 2 different shots to complement the action...

    Usually I'll announce if a Loop transitions to a Start to Finish
  • Early Access
    In this cases Gold Peaches and up will get a 24 hour early release... HOWEVER after it releases to all Patrons it won't go directly to Gumroad... Short animations and loops will go there until 3 different Short animations are completed.
  • Exclusives Release
    Same rules as the similar point above

Important information

When a Large Project is started the amount of Short animations will reduce or cease completely in favor of a Longer animation, to be honest they won't truly cease since I use them to take a break after a considerable amount of time working on a single animation.

I'll refer to the different kinds of rewards as what they are "Early Access" or a "Release"...
Loops will be referred as that; Start to finish will be referred as "Scenes"; If it involves a couple more shots of different angles or actions I would call it a "Sequence"

In general the difference I'll handle between Short and Long animations will be the amount of time and scenes... a Short one includes way fewer scenes, and usually won't last more than 30 seconds to 2 minutes...
Long animations get more of a narrative approach, there are way more scenes, and roughly I can say they might last more than 5 minutes and includes way more scenes...

I'll try to condense all this in fewer words in the Tier descriptions... more detailed on the Bio of the page...

Tell me what you think? good, bad... horrible? XD I would like your feedback lol 



I think the Light versions could work pretty well, granted the feedback doesn't require you to change too much that it'd be a lot of extra effort. I think it's a system wroth trying, though and adjust part(s) of the system when necessary. :>


YEah, that's why I focus on Visual errors... those can mostly be fixed in a couple of hours, but when it comes to audio, unless it's something completely fcked up takes longer to fix

Rolly Foxy

I think it's worth a try but yeah it's could work


Moght take a while to see if it's successful... but sure it might completely work