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Then take a break to focus on healing my back... doctor said it was going to be gone in one week... BS... took the meds, avoided working for long periods of time, stopped exercising, laid flat on my bed... it did nothing xD meds helped to deal with the pain through the day, but still, it is there...

Maybe a hardcore massage and column re-adjustment will do the trick... it's probably caused by stress, I don't know what could be stressing me out... but... ok...

Maybe I'll have to go to physiotherapy, I had this pain before, weeks before the pandemic, it took a while for it to be gone... but the difference is, with that pain I could barely move, with the pain I have now I can do things but no pain, then can do other things an boom, pain... then I could be doing nothing and there it is... taking the breath out of me... oh whatever, wish me luck xD



Good luck with your back! I've had issues before after falling down stairs. It can suck. Definitely take time to heal. ❤


Hopefully you feel better soon!