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If by next Wednesday (March 17th) my problems with my pc aren't solved in a satisfactory way, I will puse the money charge for next month so you don't have to pay for an uneventful, unfortunate and disappointing month...

My problems are partially solved thanks to an USB to HDMI adapter, but the thing is faulty and the image goes away for a  few seconds every couple of minutes, so I guess I'll have to return that thing too and buy a new one... Nothing is going good this definitely has to be the worst month ever in my existence in this platform, not even my first days here were this horrible...

Wish me luck...



I hope you can get fixed! Take your time


Good luck!


Estoy seguro que lo vas a solucionar!!!

Michael Blue

Hang in There Bud 💙 You'll Get through This. You're the Maoh Prince! 🌠


Hey! So I actually work in computers and software for my profession. If you send me a detailed message with what problems you’re experiencing maybe I can help? No promises or guarantees but I fix similar issues for people a lot and I’d be happy to help if I am able.