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Time for editing of the first part... 

1 audio remains due and the ending... 

once everything is done, gonna grab the list of active patrons at that time to make the credits :P


More like 1 and a half... because I'm working on #4 right now xD

there are 3 more things to animate... 2 are for the post-credit scene >u> 


The recordings are done, now it's time for the Lip sync and animate a few more scenes before it is completely done and sent for moan recordings and sfxs... :P

(The voices are not based on the movie)

I've been really silent... If everything goes as planned... it will be released on the 27th... if things get messed up... December 1st... but won't know until something happens... so, expect it on the 27th roughly at 11:00 pm Mexico City time... 

To prevent leaks of the exclusive uncensored version... the uncensored one will go live on PHub the same day... To delay even more the act of Leaking, It won't be available for download directly on DropBox for 24 hours

o   w   o




Ahhh I’m so excited!! Thank you for working so hard! ❤️