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And here we are, closing February without major complications.

The Art: Since she´s not going to show up in the Comic, I wanted to give you at least 1 Bowsette pic. this is my first time Drawing her and also added the red hair / tan skin variant for you (all in Attachments)

As for this month, not only did i get all done in time but I also managed to clear almost everything from March (i know that it might be a little anti-climatic to see if way before but i do want my Patrons to get everything beforehand and is hard to time right a pic and get it done just in time).

Now in March, we have still the Autumn Piece (i did not have time to do it this month), the finale of Ranma 1/2 plus its compilatory post, the continuation of the 8k special, and if I keep the schedule as good as it was this month, I´ll be getting more stuff ahead.

also gonna let you guys take more control/decisions not only with what happens here with content but with how the comics will unfold! and of course, we have more Dragon Ball and Super Mario plus Crushed & Shiranyer G and more! (not sure what but more)

So, once again: thank you to all who joined! I hope you stick around and of course, Thank you very much to the loyal regular! thanks to you all this exist and I'm really close of moving out (almost did it but i could not get a warranty to rent an apartment).

Hope to see you in March!
