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Is day 4 with no power. I had an emotuinal breakdown yesterday. No one shows up, no answer anywhere, had million thins to do personal and work related. Going insane, want to kill myself now and end it all. 


W C Purdy

Well please, don't do that. I managed to live through Hurricane Harvey in Houston, so I know that getting through a storm like this and then dealing with the aftermath is rough. I felt like I was going insane towards the end of that debacle as well. Please, take a deep breath, maybe see if you can find some place that's safe and relaxing so you can decompress, and try to remember that this situation is temporary.

Nichole O'Conner

It's crazy that you can be for 4 days with no power and not get any help x_x I hope it gets better soon ...


crazier was that it was 5 days and things only got back to "normal" because some neighbors paid 30k to some stranger to do the job the power company should do. happy holidays


thank you. I did that by invading my cousin's house for 2 days but it did help. things returned to normal for now, I've been in situations like this and worse (like 2 weeks without lights) but never before I had this for a job so my anxiety came from that. happy holidays