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Well! here we are!

June is gone! and what a month it was! I spend the last 3 days not doing my usual routine of walking for an hour at the beginning of the day and working a whole week until the last moment possible (sacrificing my free time) and today i woke up at 5 am to work as much as I can and it worked.

 of course, the big absence was Irregular Huntress but I was rushing it too much and ruining the last page. but today we got k.o.f and that was the last one to post.

This July we will have the end of Irregular Huntress which will give me some breathing room (I didn´t realize I was posting 6 pages a month, doable but with the commissions, it becomes too much) also both K.O.F and Ranma will hit the good stuff and Shiranyer G will conclude it´s first issue! a lot of stuff to do.

also have to reward another benefactor that bestows me with another month of Core D.A. and maybe begin the first special pic for the Light Princesses project.

anyway, for this month´s piece, I was unsure of what to do (and since Sonic: E.C keeps providing me earnings) decided to do the last Hedgehog on the list: Silver (I think)

So, once again i can only thank you for supporting me during all the struggles thins month had! thank you both new comers and regulars! hope to see you again next month

the stand-alone solo pic is in the attachments.



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