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and i kneel to you! This Month Patrons! both reguars and irregulars! XD

This thing is an crazy idea i had long time ago and never managed to put it on paper... until now.

This is Queen Breeze (OC) Empress of the universe and mother of Freiza (Freezer for us latinos). i know that this might completely go against cannon and stuff but it´s just a crazy idea! (full piece, text free, attached bellow)

Anyway, Thanks to all of you for your support! it has been two months now that i managed to return to my og 5 pages per month schedule! i hope i can keep ti like this from now on! still have to learn to manage the content for the last days.

Tomorrow i´ll start handing the Monthly Rewards and if there´s not much commission i´ll tackle other projects and stuff that were momentarily halted.

From tomorrow on i´ll ask stuff (via pools) for info and post some text about the current status of many things (and answer questions if you want to ask them).

so, see you tomorrow and take care! and once more:

Thank you for being with me!



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