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Hey! so, as usual, this took me longer than i wanted to but here´s a little briefign about a lot of stuff happening here and with my life that it oill shed some light to how things work here and upcoming content.

Feel free to ask anything, suggest or express your self in the comments, you will be answered!

1-Why do you have so much trouble doing stuff and making content for this Patreon?

- I´m a 34 years old looser after all and i still live with my family (if i reach 40 being in the same situation i shoot my self) so, i still have to live according the home schedule and also i do stuff to hep in the house and all of that takes time. even the simplest thing like breakfast can take me so much time. also there´s the fact that i live in a 3rd world country and things like blackout occur at least twice a month.

all of this plus other stuff can consume so much time of one´s day that, combined with my regular rythim and stuff sometimes makes project takes longer than it should. also doing all drawing, inks, colors and text is too much for 1 person.

2-Have you considered getting help?

-I´t has been considered and all but i have just 2 persons i could count on and yet it would be a problem to organize ourself and make things work properly, besides i should have to split money which i don´t see very usefull and besides we have very different styles, flaws and overall ideas to match.

also i´m the only one with a working Patreon so...

some outside people offered me help and stuff with the ideas but i don´t know how that could work, also i´m a little bit territorial with my stuff.

3-why do you keep insisting with that Rockgirl manga? nobody cares about it!

- To be honest i don´t know who gives a crap or not about it and it´s not like it is a lifetime passion project. i beggin the whle thing back in high school when i started to get into Rule 63 and Tg and it was one of the first things that gave me some Following on DA and i thought it would be a nice starting point for Pateon stuff. to be honest, it is also a test to my self to see if i can pull off doing comics since it´s something i always wanted to do but i´m very neurotic about.

4-What is your goal with this Patreon?

As said before I´m 34 and getting a job is getting harder every time and periods between each job are grows bigger. and last years have been: "art or work" i lamost decided to abandon my pencils for good but that didn´t get my any jobs. heraing about Patreon gave hope to do some money doing what i like. a successfull ptreon would mean me doing this all tiem, which would allow me to do all kind of things and doing long running comics and pasion projects. but for that this Patreon must be successfull enough for me to pay my bills with what i earn here and more important: help me o get out of here so i can leave at my own accord and take a huge stick out of my butt.

5- Are you dislexic or mentally challenged? And Languaje stuff

-No! English is my second languaj and i´m a little rusty but i try to spell check all content (not this F.A.Q i´m affraid) but i´m more versed spaking english than writting it and also i have a really old keyboard and i type to fast so erros happen.

also, my native tongue is Spanish so if there´s Spanish talking people, tell me so and i will add Spanish versions for each comic!

6-So, what´s next here?

well, i was thinking starting some various new comics. instead of boring you with only 1 comic or doing one month Rockgirl and other month random comic i thought about starting several comics and do them all together. i know that sounds like a horrible plan but the main idea is to do 1 page about each one with no monthly schedule plans and in theory this would help me to get more people here and also not get that much stuck with one project.

if i get stuck with one i can do a page of another one and then proceed with other projects.

7-and what would that be?

well, i want to remake/expand my shonnen X shoujo manga. (goku and seiya travel to shoujo land to visit sailor moon and then screw things up and they become magical shoujo girls). also im doing the one about god of war now (5 or 6 pages) and there´s plans for one about mortal kombat armaggedon that while is short, would expand into 4 or 5 episodes.

there are at least 3 more chapters of the Castlevania "saga of Sorrow" one. and i´m sure there will be more ideas comming from know franchises.

in the more "long running" corner of things there are 2 ideas im will do about super heroes.

 Legends of The Dark Wraith: Night Vigilante "Dark Wraith" is hunting down his archnemesis "Deathstrike" but when he founds "him" he notice mayor changes on his nemesis and is forced to investigate what happened.
Captain Justice: WW Heroe and Super soldier "Captain Justice" finds a former member of the Nazi secret group "Basilisk" who has a weapon to "erase all MAN from earth" and the Captain will see the world trought a whole new perspective after his last mission. 

and i want to do at leat now this paticular idea for a on going series:

 -Crushed: while going back home a man see his highschool crush dying on the streets, whe he tries to bargain with death himself for her life and ends up living her life instead. 

8-What about the NON TG part?

 curiously enough ,that part  has become  the one that has more problems now.

i have few ideas that are non tg based and some of them are not that even that interesting. a lot of them are linked to my "magnum opus" and while that is my most developed idea and main project passion i´m a too bit of a chicken to just do it now.

otheres are just raw, barebonned ides with no point or goal and a lot of them demand a lot of world building (design characters, cities, mechas, stages and overall story archs or even oints of the whole thing) as well to drw stuff i barely ever do and it´s complicated

but so far im thinking on starting a Super Robot Series. (tittle pending)

about a world in which super robots are every where (like music bands or sports teams) with a whole industry revolving around them in which a woman will build her own Female Super robot and try to become the successor of the greates robot there was as well as the first Female Super Robot Hero. (kind of dr queen meets my hero academia with giant robots and violence and stuff)

besides that, as regular monthly projects i´m creating my very own combiner (transformers) and maybe a second one and after that my very own team of Super Sentai (power rangers) with zords and all.

another thing i wasthinking is to draw oc´s of mine for you to see (next to their original design)

9-why do you have so much trouble doing comics?

like many artist i´m neurotic and i hate everything i do.

i have a huge stick on my but and i try to be as professional as my favorite artist and at the same time be my self, which as you can imagine is a little bit contradictory. i stres my self lookinf for a degree of perfection beyond my level and have ridiculous expectations that i obviusly not gonna met and that makes me dpressed and i boicot my self. when i was young i was way worse (art wise) yet i was more care free and happier.

overall, i want YOU to have content that is worth your money and i don´t consider myself good enough to reach that.

also, "professionaly wise" it is too much work to do pencils, backgrounds, design, dialogues, script and color for one person.

Well, i forget what else i as going to sat so, i´m gonna end this long text here. feel free to ask, exprexx or say what ever you want in the comment. imight be antisocuial and shy but i do ike feedback and crave for converstion with my audience (even if later when it happens im too dry and short with my interactions)

Thanks to all of you who are still here!


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