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End of the month pic here! not much to say so I´ll try to be quick.

The Pic: This silly idea came to me after I did this ridiculous idea:


Twitter link in case YouTube doesn´t work cause of copyright: https://x.com/GoukiKabuto/status/1801383999484371343

And that´s pretty much it. (full-size pic & render in attachments)

This month was a little rough:

I tried to take on many commissions due to money issues (Father´s day mostly and my country's economy going to shit) but most commissioners left me hanging so I lost a lot of time I wanted for extra content.

so well, that was that. next month í´ll try to resume all activities and add more nice stuff.

we have the usual 4 pages, plus more commission content and other stuff I'll try to crap

 As usual. i thank you to all new comers and I hope you stay! and of course, I thnk you, all regular Patrons whoa are still with me despite everything.

Thank you all for allowing me to keep living form this!

I´ll handle rewards tomorrow!



Matt R

Cool final image for the month. Hope the for the next page of the 7K page special too for July