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HEY! final pic of the day and as I promised last month, here´s the Zero Suit variant of Samus X Lusamine fusion.

you may think that is just some minor edit but I had to redraw the whole body plus teak some stuff, and it is almost 95% re-drawn and re-painted.

in the attachments, you will find the full-size solo pic and render for it.

Anyway, I managed to finish the 7k page as well so everything is clear! next month we will have some more voting about not only the fate of many of the comics I'm doing but also the content you saw here and what you want to see in the future! Also, there´s going to be more Mario, more Dragon Ball, more Shiranyer & Crushed plus comms, the winter tg piece probably in advance (and maybe even the pride month piece as well).

as usual, I want to thank all of you for supporting my ass once again and also those who just joined! Once again thank you for cheaping in (and I hope you consider staying) and thanks to all of you regular customers who still are by my side! there´s a couple of quick announces after the high-tier version of this post so stay around and once again, thank you!

i see you in may!



Matt R

Nicely done on the fusion. Definitely looking forward to what next month has in store