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Last sunday my hard disk drive decided to die on me, so the last couple of days have been quite stressing, it couldn't come at a worse time considering how I made some changes starting this month... but fear not because today a good friend of mine helped me fix the problem, (which required to buy a new (and better) HDD)

Now, here is a problem: I lost all the data from the last couple of months (I try to have back-ups but I only tend to do so between 4- 6 months, since I don't usually finish a drawing on the same week I start it) and while my friend told me there is a chance he can rescue them, for the time being my pc is pretty much empty...  I will try to have things working as usually as soon as possible but I must ask for some patience, for now all I can say is that tomorrow there will be a post for the new tier where you will be able to start sending me your characters for the next poll, so if you are in the "Giant-sized Support" tier please look forward to it

In other news, I have decided to postpone my July break to September, I made this choice because I want to take some time to upgrade my system to avoid something like this to happen again

I want to have trust in my friend and hope that he can save my old files, since there were a lot of sketches close to finish (like requests and poll rewards) so while I wait for a response I will give priority to work I haven't started yet, like more recent requests

 I will make sure to let you all know when things are back to normal with a new drawing, until then I hope you can have some patience I will try my best to get back on track as soon as possible


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