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Two years ago I decided to make this patreon because there was sparkle in me to draw porn, as some of you may know I'm not presicely the most horny/sexual person in the internet but I'm into a good handful of kinks to keep me entertained, and I felt like there was an audience for it and I was proven right, but at this point I can't say I have the same joy and energy I used to have for it... but I still want to keep doing it, I don't want to just throw the towel because I know there is still in me.

I have talked about this many times but the main reason I can't draw as much nsfw art is due to my low privacy at my home, and sadly it's not like I can turn on a switch and be in the mood to draw porn as soon as I'm alone, that's just now how things work. For two years I have been drawing with the mindset that I will have more time once I manage to move from my parents house but sadly that ideal is just way too far away to keep my patreon like it is in good conscience, so I have decided to make some big changes starting May 1st


  • I will stop taking requests: I really enjoy reading and drawing all of your ideas, that's the main reason why I decided to start taking request in the first place, but I am no longer able to keep accepting them, I have an already large amount of request I haven't been able to draw yet, so it feels irresponsible to keep adding to that to-do list when I don't know when I will be able to draw them.
    This will will be the last month I will be taking requests, so if you are in the tier that let you send one feel free to do so because as some kind of goodbye to this activity I'm planning to make all of the request I receive during april (Don't forget that I post requests in my social media too, so even if you decide to leave my patreon you will still be able to see the results so don't miss your last chance)
  • Polls will change: Since I will no longer take request I have decided that it's a good chance to start taking suggestions for the characters featured on them! I always wanted to give enough time for people to participate so due to this polls will now be each 2 months, this is how they will work:
    Patrons in the "Giant-sized support" tier will be able to send ideas between the 1st and 15th of each month, while you can only send 1 character there will be no limit for the amount of entries (starting May the cost for this tier will be reduced to $7)
    On the16th of each month will begin a preliminary poll with all the suggestions on it, just like until now all patrons from the "Human-sized support" tier will be able to vote until the end of the month, where the top 4 will move forward to the final cut alongside 1 character I have personally selected (they will be announced when the preliminary poll begins, it will not be one of the ideas sent by patrons)
    You will be able to vote for the final cut during the whole month, the rewards will remain the same as always althought I am considering on setting up Goals to add more in the future
    Since I will no longer make polls with those who don't win, you will be able to send the same character as many times as you want as long as they don't win in the final cut

I hope you can understand why I have decided to make such big changes, I didn't want to just stop taking ideas so I thought that mixing it with polls will be a fun way to keep you all engaged and have a good chance to have your faves be featured in polls and win them instead of just picking between those I personally choose like it's been until now


I will be taking a break during July. If you weren't here last time I took one it means that I will not be working during that month, meaning that the billing cycle will be paused for July (you will be charged again on august 1st) I was planning to make these changes once I'm back but it will be better to do so now and take the next two months to work on the long to-do list, that way I will be back fresh to work on the results of the poll you have contributed with! I hope you are looking forward to it.

That will be all for today, I am trully thankful for all of your support, I know I'm not the best but I try my best with the time and energy I have, hopefully I can keep counting with you in the future (please let me know what you think I would love to read your opinions)


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