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If you know me you know that there is one thing that frightens me: starting to hate my work, it's the reason I have left many jobs in the past, routine always ends up sucking the joy... But I love drawing, and making nsfw content is almost always a personal joy, even if it takes me weeks to finish a piece I know I will like the results.

But personal enjoyment can only take you so far: at the end of the day this is still a job and there is a need to fulfill expectations to other people, as well as a proper remuneration, that's reality, but then, how to avoid falling into that routine? Until now I thought I had it alright: taking request and checking different ideas can be quite fun, and I'm always free to decide by myself in which scenario I'm going to put the characters that win polls, but is precisely there is where I'm having quite a difficult time. You see while I do have a long list of kinks I like to draw there are always these kind of thoughs in my mind: "Is this what people want? is this scenario really the best for this character? Do I want to see this character in this scenario?"

 If I shared every sketch I have discarded this year based in that I wouldn't be having this problem, but here I am

Therefore, I have decided that in order to move forward some big changes need to be done, please know that if you dissagree with them and decide to leave I will completely understand you, since Tiers will be deeply affected by these changes

I have decided that the best order to show them are from lower to higher tier:

  • $1 Tier and lineart versions will be gone: Something actual people have been constantly telling me is that I shouldn't charge so low for people to look at my work, after all nsfw pieces take more time and effort than your regular drawings, and I think its time I put my pride aside and take their advice, after all just making the lineart versions can be quite the pain in some cases considering that just hiding the color layers is not always the only thing I need to do in order to make them look good, sometimes I have to postpone new post because I'm struggling with that version. I really appreciate the people who have used this tier to support me but I hope you can understand, in order to give you proper time to decide if you want to change to another tier, it will remain available until the end of november, unlike the other changes. if you have no problem spending a couple of extra dollars maybe the next point will be of your interest
  • New $3 Tier: Since lineart versions will no longer be available I have decided to make a new base tier that will have access to every new fully colored drawing I post. (During november, patrons from the previous $1 Tier will be able check these post too, but I will not allow more people in that one)
  • Changes to monthly polls rewards: One of the biggest reasons to implement all these changes is monotony, and most of the time I struggle coming up with ideas for drawings (although I'm always open for ideas... I barely get them), and coming up with 3 ideas can be quite hard when you want to avoid falling into repetition, so in order to try to avoid it by increasing the variety I have decided that from now on winners of monthly polls will only receive 2 drawings + 1 for the second place. This is one of the things I'm most looking forward since while it doesn't change the amount of work it gives me more characters to work with, do have in mind that this change is retroactive, which means that those characters that have been in second place this year (and have not won in their second chance) will be getting a drawing during december.
    This also means that we will only have 1 runner-ups poll per cycle (which if we do the math, almost every character featured in polls will eventually receive a drawing, so it's a win-win situation)
    Besides this, the $5 tier will remain untouched, goals that had to do with monthly polls will be changes to something regarding the next point:
  • NEW $8 TIER and Colored request!: I have already talked about this change to those dear patrons of the $10 tier via inbox, but this october will be the last time they will have a chance to claim their monthly reward, because starting november this activity will change completely: Patrons who join the $8 tier will be able to send one idea per month, from which I WILL ONLY TAKE 2 per month and the finished pieces will be fully colored during the subsequent month. You will have a whole month to send your ideas, and they will be posted separately (so I don't keep finished drawings waiting) and properly titled as [Patron Request]. BUT In the case I really like more than 2 I might take an Extra idea, so don't hesitate to join if you have an idea in mind because this tier will not have a limit, and I will try to give more preference to those I haven't drawn for yet.

    Goals will be changed to center around this activity:
    once they are reached, one extra request will be added to the base amount
  • $10 Tier will no longer be available, I trully appreciate the support and patience you have been having, most of you have been here for the very beggining and I hope I can still hear from your ideas in the future! 

All of these changes will be implemented in November 1st, please look forward to them!

Once again, thank you for reading and sticking with me in this long october, hopefully I will be able to come up with new content soon, and please if you have any inquiry feel free to comment or send me a message, I will try to reply as soon as possible


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