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Hello dear patrons! as some of you may remember, starting May 1st I will be taking a little break from drawing, if you allow me to be completely honest my health haven't been the best in the past couple of months and energy has been quite low , and after much thinking I decided to take a break from drawing.

This patreon account is a bit more than a year old but as some of you may know drawing has been my job for nearly 2 years by now, without taking more than one or two weeks breaks in the middle (and I can't say I managed to rest properly during those times) so before I start to hate my job like it has happened before, I decided to stay away from my tablet for a month to make sure I get plenty of rest and come back fresh in July, ready to make all the wonderful content you are here for!

I said it before but don't forget that I paused the billing cycle, so you will not be charged for the month of May, since there will not be new content during this month I decided it was the best option to go.

I will do my best to have the remaining two pictures for Ryoma ready as soon as I'm back, and if you are wondering June's poll will be our second Overwatch poll! You will be able to vote for Hanzo, Roadhog or Torbjorn, I hope you are looking forward to it!

I will be back on June 1st!

That will be all for now, as always thank you so much for your support, you can follow me at my twitter account at twitter.com/Lio_giant where I will probably be rambling about characters I will like to draw in the future as I always do. 

PS: In case you would still like to support me financially during May, feel free to send me a message and I will direct you to my Paypal account, I would appreciate it a lot


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