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Hi all,

I have not been feeling well lately. I thought of cancelling my Patreon page.

In the end, I decided it would not be fair to all those who have been supporting me for until now.

I am setting my Patreon to no renewal fee until things get better. Hope you will keep following my page.



Hope you feel better


Please focus on your body and mind health over VAM, Patreon, or anything else less important, any everything is less important than health, but remember when we're not feeling well we can sometimes make choices we wish we hadn't and you're far too talented and great of a person to permanently step away from what you're amazing at and likely love doing - we can see your whole heart on this site and it's kind and fantastic. We're rooting for you getting to feel better again no matter how long it takes and hope at the end of that journey you're still around here with us my friend.