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Some collar lore, by request:

Wearing a collar is a sign of devotion or subservience - to a cause or person.

As with almost any item, enchantments can be applied to these collars.  They are particularly effective because of their placement on the body.  The neck is vulnerable both physically and psychologically, and if the collar is made non-removable this further enhances the effect.  In this world magic follows rules but it is still effected by the will of the user and a collar tends to force the issue.  With the right tuning one can be made to turn almost anyone to almost any purpose.  Side note: The Dagger of Xian (from Tomb Raider 2?) which grants the power of the dragon to wielder if they plunge it into their own heart, would not be out of place in this universe.  It grants ultimate power but requires ultimate devotion.  

Collars can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, mainly as a fashion statement.  A smaller collar requires more skill and higher grade materials to hold an enchantment, making them more expensive and a bit of a status symbol.  

The standard enchantment that Alison wears (pregnancy prevention) is a common matter of practicality, but more advanced enchantments are available - ranging from compliance, to mood altering, to physical changes, to very specific soul compatibility.  A set could be tuned to the soul of a specific demon, acting as an extension of its will and desires, reaching out into the wider world and, eventually, to the chosen wearer (see illustration)

Magical effects are visible, by their nature.  Enchanted items will glow when operating and a more intense glow generally indicates a more potent effect.  When a powerful or specifically tuned item is activated, symbols may become visible on its surface.  Different colors indicate different effects, but are many different approaches even within a given class of effects, so color alone is not a reliable diagnostic.  A person under the influence of magic (either internally or externally) may glow visibly, particularly through the eyes.


Chosen 01



Wow, I love this! It sounds like being bestowed the demon collar is an honor in their society. How are "the chosen" decided upon? It looked like the woman wasn't too ecstatic about the position she found herself in during the beginning of Dark Altar.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Not too surprising considering these are half-demons. I somehow doubt there's much of a choice unless the recipient can enforce their will somehow. It's entirely possible the succubus dominatrix could end up in a collar herself if she gets "too" careless. Possible, but unlikely to occur anytime soon. (she stands as tall as any of the men, and is clearly no fool.)

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Curious, is the anti-pregnancy enchantment the only one on Alison? I'm sure the cuffs she used to wear where a form of restraint early on. But I'd imagine they'd want a way to reel her in if necessary. Then again, she is physically weak. So outside of leveraging her purpose or some slick trickery, she's not going to get out of a fortress full of demonic soldiers. (And frankly, she's just is not clever enough to pull off such deception. Stupid? no. But not brilliant either.)

Jordan Andrew Scherr

And second question. What collars do you plan on putting on the Demonic Twins Melody takes on as her first Dominatrix assignment? I still think she's biting off more than she can chew frankly. (Which might be beneficial to some hilarity later on.) But even one as "over?" confident as Melody will want some anti-strength or magic-hindering enchantment to keep the twins from overpowering her. She's clearly mostly human after all. And the twins are succubus's who've probably got internalized magic behind them. A dangerous proposition without countermeasures.


Alison doesn't really need to be broken, she just needs a small amount of force applied - enough for her to use as an excuse to herself. Just a little push and she'll fall right where she needs to be, and that push is best applied the old fashioned way. Anything more would be at best a waste and at worst might upset her natural proclivities.


Given the twins' minor shape shifting ability and demonic sex drive, any sort of lust enhancement would be counter-productive in terms of controlling them. Melody will probably elect to use a particular mix of pain and dissociation known as a command collar. When the subject is given an order in a particular commanding tone, the collar activates. If the subject does not comply they will begin to feel uncomfortable. Anxiety and guilt rise and the master's command weighs down as the most important thing in the subject's mind, like a long neglected responsibility. If they continue to resist, a mild hypnotic dissociation begins to take hold. If they continue to resust, the subject may soon find that they have carried out their mistress's orders without realizing it. Of course this is just a insurance measure. And it's a fine line between getting what you want out of a sub and violating trust. Part of being a mistress making your sub realize they want to obey, and to make them play your games rather than fight the referee.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I'm a little bit surprised they're worried about trust at all! But that does make sense as the Hallmark of an astute dominatrix. Forced slave soldier servitude is probably reserved for meat Shields. Melody is probably going to find her breed of handling a little harder than she first thought, but I'll be very interested to see how clever she can be. ☺️ How the twins behave in their situation will also be interesting. Unlike Allison, they're not clueless. At least one of them knows exactly what collars surround their necks. So if/when they want to be defiant, they have to basically trick their handler.

Gnels Knels Pnels

As seen in Dark Altar, the protagonist wears a waist "collar" in addition to the one around her neck -- what does it do that the neck collar doesn't do?


Similar to the summoning circle that covers the entire pit, the ring around her waist bears enchantments that are tuned to the true name of her demon partner. It creates an altered space where a chaotic spirit can manifest, making it easier for her to conceive and carry a super natural child.