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The month of February has come and gone....wow that was fast.  Seriously, where is this year going.

I wanted to give a status update to people waiting on art.  It is in progress, but since I was hoping to send out the description requests tonight I though I should keep everybody in the loop as to what is going on.

So...he has made a lot of progress on the backlog in February, though this last week has been awful (Korbyn popped 3 teeth, I got a cold...I gave my cold to Kandlin and Korbyn, so...welcome to the house of misery.)  But, he is almost over the cold, and gods help us, but I hope the Bean is done teething for at least a few weeks. 

The remaining images due are as follows.

October: 3 B/W and 1 color.  I know that one of those B/W should be done or almost done (at least it was last night when I crashed), and the others all have solid sketches done.  So, maybe in a few days we can put all of October behind us.

November: Nothing owed, took that month to catch up

December: 3 B/W sketches owed.  I don't think they have been started yet, but I am not 100% sure, as I don't know what he is able to get done at work.

January: 5 B/W sketches and 2 color images (one with a variant), I believe that one of the color ones has been started during a stream for Whitekitten so it is solidly started.

February: I will be sending out requests for descriptions, hopefully later tonight.

Monthly Raffle Winners: Still owed for October and December one has been sketched the others have the flats done, and need to choose them for January and Feburary.

Poll pick for December was a tie, and should be done soon, Kandlin has informed me that he will try to get a January poll out tonight and have it up for 10 days so that he can move on to the February poll.

$10 emergency sketch commissions are moving also, albiet more slowly.  they are approximately halfway done, as he has been giving priority to the Patreon art. 

If you have any questions, concerns or requests, please let me know and I will try to get answers for you as soon as possible.  I get about an hour of computer time a day currently while pumping (Skyrim, I missed you!!), so I will try to check the Patreon more and bring up to date information and answers more often.

Thank you all again for your continued patronage and your amazing patience.




Thank you again for everything. Hope the colds leave you all alone now and the teething goes smoothly!