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Emergency sketch commissions are done...finished...etc.  We have had a couple of people ask about more, or ask about their image....but unless they were paid for at the time of the emergency, no....nada...not doing it.  That way lies madness, and a never-ending stream of suck...and just...no.

We will start out that a quick poll for the February/Valentines day pic is up!


We will be moving this week's Wednesday Stream to Thursday, and working on an image of whoever wins.

So....if you have not voted yet, you should go do that now....it's ok, I will wait.

All done?  OK.

So, update time, 

Emergency sketch commissions are done...finished...etc.  We have had a couple of people ask about more, or ask about their image....but unless they were paid for at the time of the emergency, no....nada...not doing it.  That way lies maddness, and a never-ending stream of suck...and just...no.

Owed Reward Tiers, Kenji is owed a color image, and Pet Yee has a sketch coming.  

Raffle Rewards, there are 2 left, one needs a tiny change that should only take a few minutes then the other one will be started on.

Poll Picks, there is the Diana the Acrobat that is over half done, and a Vanilla the Rabbit one that has not been started yet.

Then we will be caught up, so HOPEFULLY...within a week....barring horrible things

Now...for horrible things.

I am writing this, as I sit at my computer, trying to create a backup drive to fix Kandlin's computer.  It started running wonky last night and when he went to restart it....black screen of infinite loading.  So, I have to make a restore disk just to get it started in safe mode (fuck you windows 10).  Hopefully I can get it up and running by this afternoon, fingers crossed.  I am a bit behind on general maintenance of them, but maybe while his is down, I can give it a good cleaning and check connections before i get it up and running again.

Next.  you may or may not have noticed that the monthly raffle has been on hold for awhile in favor of the every 2 week wheel decide.  This means more people get free art, but nobody gets a full color image.  Is this something we want to keep up after catchup is done, or would you like to go back to the one person getting a free color image per month?

Going to go now....stupid file transfer is only at 8%....grrrr.  Gotta get lunch ready to feed the Bean and the Kandlin, but wish me luck, hopefully the computer will be an easy fix and we can be back on the road to catching up soon.

Oh, and Kandlin got a new headset with mic...so hopefully when he does streaming again you can hear the sultry sounds of his voice.  Ohhhh Ahhhh!  So sultry....I think I need more sleep.

Let me know what you think about the free art options.


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