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Here we are, month 2 of playing catch-up, and i think we can all agree that it sucks and we don't want to be here again. Yes, No, whatever get to the point?

The point, mes amis, is that we have had a few suggestions as to what to do to avoid this again.  One suggestion was to raise tier reward prices by about 5 dollars for images so that less people want them and Kandlin actually makes a little more for his time (seriously, you have seen how he does sketches, they are not so sketchy).  

One suggestion was to remove the commission tiers altogether and just open to Patreon supporters when he is all caught up on work, that way no more of this getting behind business.  You only pay for artwork after it is done.  

Another option would be to decrease the quality, or set a time limit for work on sketches, similar to how he does the request streams, no more than 20-30 minutes per piece...ie: none of this 3 hours working on a sketch stuff that he usually does.  Sure they look awesome, but....

this would free him up for more personal projects like comics and stuff, but we don't really want to disappoint anyone.

We have been looking at other Patreon people, and while some of them are awesome, they rely heavily on a large base of supporters and a lot of original ideas, comics, and art...none of which we have at the moment.

So, I am open to suggestions, tell me if any of the above ideas appeal to you, or if you hate them.  Or if you can suggest something else, or someone else that has reward tiers that we should totally go rip off...er...up, borrow...yes, borrow ideas from.  :)

You guys have been awesome to hang around so long, and we both really appreciate it.  More art is coming soon, as we are just waiting on approval for a few things, then I can upload then.

Thanks again for hanging around




I'd be up for increasing the tier price--it always struck me as too low. Limiting the amount of time spent on each sketch could also work.


well maybe meet things half way keep some sketches at current prices but reduce the quality. and make half of them higher quality for an extra 5-10 dollars? like have a $15 quick 25 minute sketch, the every other month good sketch for an extra 5-10 .maybe make the half sketch 20 a month and the full sketch 40 a month and make the color stuff $75 a month? Im sure color stuff takes the most time by far?


I`d say greedily Id be very dissapointed if you got rid of sketches all together .I love what Kandlin ends up drawing. I love what Ive received so far!!


yeah as much as i love a bargain kandlins art is too good and hes too busy to do so much art for what hes charging


oh another idea might be to make a 1 character and a 2 character reward levels. make the two character one an extra 5-10 dollars


Here's my take on Commission like tiers on patreon. The only benefit is that they appear to be safe in which I mean no way to get scammed. There is no way to chargeback or not pay the artist if the art is done. I still do believe that prices need to be increased at the based cost and per character cost if they were to stay around. I won't sling out prices because that doesn't matter until you two make your say. Now Im for not having patreon related commission tiers at all and just doing commissions in general per Kandlin's own schedule.


My second reason for removing commission like tiers here is because we are all pretty spoiled here in these comfy guaranteed slots while others won't ever really get a chance since the commissions are behind patreon. We also don't really pay any kind of premium cost to have these cushy slots. Too me its pretty much paying a very cheap bargain commission price and getting it guaranteed monthly too boot. Its a steal really. (Which is my 3rd reason)


At the end of the day, Kandlin should do whats best for him and his family and hopefully Galadreal will have a say in all this as well. To worry about amassing a following shouldnt be the true focus as Kandlin already has a cult commissioner base. Notboogie is also another example of someone that had no support to ridiculous amount of support as he kinda did his own thing only asking patreons for 1 usd. Then the amount of support only grew as he restructured tiers and increased cost. Everyone gotta start somewhere and there are easier ways to make the patreon be its own thing while commissions be its own thing on the side too.


At $40 a pop for sketches, they'd start to close in on the prices for a full flat image, wouldn't they? I'd think reducing the top of the line tiers would make more sense than the smaller ones, given the broader base for support. If you're experimenting with capping time spent on each one, or complexity, I think that makes the most sense.


the guaranteed spots work both ways though.its locked in guaranteed funds for commissions that he can count on instead of hoping when he opens for commissions enough people are interested.. Kandlin does need to charge more for his art here though.


Id be alright with paying more myself =)