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As the title implies, we are back, Patreon shows me that no payments were taken for this account for the month.  And all can resume...

or at least it could, BUT, in his haste to leave work on Friday, Kandlin left his Wacom on the desk (yes it is his, but he takes it to work sometimes for arting).   So, we are still trying to figure out how to do this weekend's stream.

More details to follow.  But wanted to let you know that the Patreon is back up and running, and hopefully new art posts will resume soon.

Thanks for sticking around!




that sucks. hope you have a good night regardless.


I hope its locked.


thankfully yes, and he is the only one other than maintenance who has a key and a code to his building...but the owners would lose their shit if he went back to get it over the weekend. They are super paranoid.