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Had a medium sized art bomb tonight, most of it was just finished in the last couple of days, but a the Sticks images had been sitting in my art to upload folder for at least a week and I have been doing the headless chicken dance all week long.

Anyway, with the end of the month coming up, and my going to pause the Patreon soon to avoid taking out any payments I wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page.  Here is the owed art remaining right now:

January Owed: Two sketch Images - the first image has started sketching a few times but still not looking right so needs redone, and the second  is almost finished...there was something missed in the description that just needs fixed.

February Owed: One Sketch and 2 Color - The sketch is almost finished, the first color was done all except the shading, and that file has been misplaced, so working on a recolor, the second color image has been inked and is just waiting on flats and shading.

March Owed: 3 Sketches: 2 have not been started, the 3rd needs several changes from the original sketch to be complete.

April Owed: One Sketch and 2 Color: The Sketch has been roughed out, One color has been roughed out, the other has not been started yet.

May Owed:4 Sketches:  Waiting on a description for one of them, but none have been started

June Owed: 1 Sketch and 1 Color: neither have been started on

July (current month) Owed: 3 color and 10 sketches: One of the Color has been started and 1 sketch have been started.

Wheel O Art Winners: 3 have been chosen that have not been started, One still needs to be picked for July

Poll Winners: 6 have been chosen (a new poll is starting soon) 2 are well into the coloring (as you may have seen during streams), and one has started a rough sketch.

Emergency Sketch Commissions: 9 or 10 still left to do, none of the remaining ones have been started.  

Regular Commissions (not paid for yet, but requested), 4 are remaining, One a sketch was done but has been put aside to work on art that has already been paid for.

We will be putting a hold on Patreon Payments until this list is empty.  

Poll winners and Wheel O'Art will not be taking new requests until we are caught up.  There may be some sort of poll, but even that is iffy.

We will do our best to continue the weekly Wednesday Stream, and probably 2 weekend streams.  So stay tuned for notifications on those.

Thank you all again for your patience, and rest assured that we are moving to get things done as quickly as possible, while still retaining the level of awesome you came for.

Thank you!




Sounds like you have everything well in hand! I just wanted to check to make sure I'm not the one you're waiting for on a sketch description. I think I got mine in finally. :P


Actually, we are waiting on one from you for May...sorry. I am a bit behind on getting back to you about that.