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So...this week Kandlin's Dad and Stepmom were here...all week long.

I am exhausted.  That does mean I forgot to remind him about streaming on Wednesday, so much sorry there.

We are also headed out of town to see the eclipse (which I forgot to get glasses for, and no NO ONE has any)...my brain is pretty much fried lately.  On that note, Kandlin is asleep right now so that he can get up at 4 am to start driving while the Bean is asleep.  ie: no Stream this Saturday either.

HOWEVER!!! we should resume our normal schedule next week of streaming, and whatnot, have more updates (I HAVE ART TO POST!!!), and then pause the account at the end of the month so everybody gets to see art but no new requests will be taken until he finishes up the ones he already owes...so we will not be taking your money...YAY!!

I am really tired, and am still waiting to move towels over to the laundry while everyone else is asleep...and I need to finish packing for the Bean....and I need to mop the kitchen and bathrooms (I meant to do it today, so I could come home to a clean house (Yeah right, with 4 cats, clean house...HAHA HA HA HA...pull the other one, it's got bells on)).

Ahem...anyway.  I just wanted to apologize for the missed streams, and blame my current insanity, Kandlin's visiting parents, and Bean's cold/allergy and ear infection.  Also we signed the closing on our house refinance this evening...so that is 4 months of work done.  

Now that the incessant rambling has passed, for the moment.  I am going to go gather up a bag to fill with snacks and start packing up the car.  



Lol, you had family over which I believe was stated last stream. So I don't think anyone was really expecting a stream. Hopefully Bean will get back in health fast. Lastly enjoy that eclipse I went to try to just buy a pair and couldn't find any. FOlks really looking forward to this.