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It seems fitting that we start out very first post with a sketch made by Rich Grillotti (one half of the founding members) on a road trip in 2006.  Little did we know what the game would become in the next 10 years.

It started as a simple flash game, then became Dino Run SE, then DX, and as of yesterday, Dino Run 2!

This post is an introduction to what you can expect from us over the coming months and years (if all goes well).  This is a massive project, bigger than anything we've ever taken on.  It's all part of a much bigger plan that you may not even be aware of, because why would you, you probably just saw a link to support the creation of this game on Patreon and went for it.

Well, here is the bigger picture:

  • We are approaching the development of this massive project in small stages, or milestones.
  • You can track the milestones, and our progress on each one, at the official DINO RUN 2 CAMPAIGN SITE.
  • We are raising money from multiple sources to fund each stage/milestone, and will deliver whatever we create to all funders (art, music, prototypes, experiments, alphas, betas, etc).  A lot of the deliverables will come through here, but you will be able to get them in other places as well.
  • Deliverables could even be tiny mini-games or interactive doodles that play around with various aspects of the larger game, that provide entertainment outside of just seeing our progress on it.
  • All the funds we raise across all the various platforms will be rolled into a single mega-fund on the official site linked to above.  That means all direct payments from that site, all Patreon funds, all future Kickstarter funds, etc... it all goes into the pot and will be used to keep development going and keep content flowing.

The main campaign headquarters - pixeljam.com/dinorun

So now about the various Patron tiers:

$3 / month and above - We'll post the more detailed progress and development-related stuff here, but occasionally put a few up to the general public as well, as it's also important to get new patrons in the door.  Also if you have not already, join us on Discord at http://www.discord.gg/t2Zezwr and get in on the Patron-only channels there.

$5 / month and above - The digital treats will be delivered near the end of each month, and sometimes we'll have bonus ones in the middle or beginning of the month as well.  We really do have a dung-load of stuff hanging around from our 12 years of making games, and there is no way it could all be given out at a once-a-month pace.

$7 / month and above - At the end of every month we'll post a google form for you to fill out and then deliver the Steam Key to you.

$10 / month - We'll keep track of your total contribution and send out a google form to fill out once you qualify for the shirt and poster.

We'll post the first private development update after the upcoming Thanksgiving break.  Until then, thanks again for reading, and.... patronizing us.  That's not right, is it?

Oh also RT our launch announcement if you have not already please!  There's a backstory contained there that you might also find interesting.

Take care,

-Miles @ Pixeljam



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