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Poll: Peter and MJ's relationship?

  • Spidey and Emjay getting all romantic and sexy together! 64
  • Friends' nights, some threesomes, swinging parties, etc. 119
  • They both sleep around, open-marriage, some dubious, low-key cheating... 30
  • Nastier whoring stuff, cuck-spidey, blackmail, gangbangs, non-con and all that! 54
  • A bit of everything... variety is the spice of life, y'know? 32
  • 2024-01-07
  • —2024-02-01
  • 299 votes
{'title': "Poll: Peter and MJ's relationship?", 'choices': [{'text': 'Spidey and Emjay getting all romantic and sexy together!', 'votes': 64}, {'text': "Friends' nights, some threesomes, swinging parties, etc.", 'votes': 119}, {'text': 'They both sleep around, open-marriage, some dubious, low-key cheating...', 'votes': 30}, {'text': 'Nastier whoring stuff, cuck-spidey, blackmail, gangbangs, non-con and all that!', 'votes': 54}, {'text': "A bit of everything... variety is the spice of life, y'know?", 'votes': 32}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 1, 2, 46, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 7, 2, 23, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 299}


The next comics to be released are very opposite in how they deal with the Spider-Couple.

So, I'm kinda curious about what people enjoy regarding Spidey and MJ's relationship. 

Are you more into cuddly, lovey-dovey stuff?
Or some orgy stuff, with their friends and frenemies?
Maybe open relationship stories?
Or is your thing just some good old hardcore cheating and situations of forced sex?
All of the above, perhaps?

Lemme know your preferences by voting here.
Your opinion can help guide the choosing of themes for some of my future stories.

Also, feel free to write more details about your opinion in the comments.



ntr is very popular right now and i feel like i would love to see mary jane solo series in acting, modelling, photoshoot she's a very sexy and flirty character in porn parody these feel like natural areas to explore, but at the same time these have to be treated as AU or what if? It's not somethin she would really do, but it's why parodies exist. At the same time i would feel bad for peter so if it's done to him, opposite should also happen as parodies are what if? And also other male spider character get treated the same. But for any of the PeterXMj stuff, i would like peter to be more dominant thinking more dikto/conway peter, his jokes less silly and more him mocking how much the other person is submissive and turned on by him. People forget old peter made jokes to mock people, he didnt make jokes to hide his self esteem mostly because he was very arrogant back then. Less dad jokes and more roast jokes.


I'm not kink shaming anyone here, but making Peter a cuck is weak sauce as fuck. He should be the one that cucks people 💀 but as to the poll, goddamn I'm a sucker for PeterMJ but I'm sure they would also invite Felicia into the party sometimes. They probably also got nasty with Gwen before the whole neck readjustment appointment


I honestly preferer having the romantic, however I don't mind if another girl joins them for some fun. As long as its someone that doesn't usually involved with them. Such as Sue Storm or Julia Carpenter; for example.


Orgies orgies


Open Relationship. They should be free to fuck anyone they want all the time. I think it would make for better stories.

Jonathan Amador

Hard to choose, but I really like NTR and blackmail, with MJ getting raped by other men, like Norman Osborn, or even would love if you did a full comic about Nick Katzenberg blackmailing MJ into having sex with him after taking the photos of Peter as Spider-Man, lile that What Iffy comic you made but a full and long story

Jonathan Amador

Though also would love more stories with Peter with Cindy Moon, so a threesome with MJ and Cindy would be hot, maybe what if Peter was still married to MJ when he freed Cindy from the bunker and the pheromones makes them have sex and MJ chooses to join.