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Yeah, so...
The Illuminaughti comic has been sent to the Subscribers of that monthly term and all Recappers who chose that story for their rewards.

I truly hope you enjoy that looooonoooooog due comic.
It took me quite an eternity to figure out all the details that I wanted to adjust in the story, and I hope the resulting material is worth your wait.

Next comic, House of XXX: Jean's Marvels is quite well into lettering and should be out in a week's time too.

I know I have quite the backlog of other delayed comics still due, but this latest one was by far the one most behind, so I think it's an important checkmark to have it finally out.

Quite a long list ahead, still.
Better get back to work.

Talk soon.



Sven M.

Great read. And I need to get a certain word into everyday conversation^^


I understand you are under a lot of pressure, and are working with very limited resources. Plus you lost some long time art collaborators. So maybe take some more time and find replacements. Because the art this time is just bad. I don't believe the majority of the subscribers would oppose to a delay if it's to find replacements for the artists you had in the past.


The artist Alik certainly has a very peculiar artstyle that may not be everyone’s cup of tea, even if I did receive some nice positive feedback for this story in private. I frequently experiment with new artists to try and discover new possibilities and keep things fresh. Sometimes it works better than others, though. With that in mind, there’s lots of other comics coming next with more fan favorite artists helming the drawings, such as Llamaboy, xGeek, Kall Alves, Denideni Kun and plenty more. Hope those will be more of your liking then.


Lots of Gwen taking it up the rear and gangbangs recently and I’m alllll for it. Liked this a lot more than I was expecting going in.