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Hey there,
smut believers!

As promised, here are the NSFW previews solicitations for the new comics of JULY/23.

In the first story (a fan-disservice, of sorts), we get to see how things could've happened if it was Peter who'd been left in the otherworld. MJ is the one who comes back, and is burdened with the task of finding a way to rescue Peter, whatever it takes. With time being of the most urgency (time runs faster over there, right?) she'll need to use her best assets to have the interdimensional device fixed, sexing her way through getting back there and bring Spidey safely home. And she follows a similar path to the one Peter did in the story we already knew: Getting from Pennsylvania to NY, convincing the Fantastic Four, dealing with Captain America and finally resorting to call for the aid of Norman Osborn, to set things right. But... will all that be enough? How much time will that take? What will be of Peter if she takes too long? Oh, boy... I can't wait to show you!

But then there's the second story... A sweeter view of how things could've been if the two simply stayed together. How was it possible? What happened so that there was not only one, but... Thousands More Days! Follow them as they reminisce in their best sexcapading moments of Spidey history, visiting iconic moments of their lewd past, along with other magically wet events of intimate romance and unleashed lust between Peter and Mary Jane Parker.

What the Fuck Did They Do This Time to Peter and MJ?
It's TERRIBLE how things NEVER end up right for Peter and MJ, isn't it? All through the history of their relationship, there's been an absurd amount of random adversities, but this time things might probably get beyond repair. Could it be that the answer lies in how extraordinarily good they are in bed? Together or… not? Here's the definitive sex story of Peter and MJ… and a homewrecker named Paul.
>> Story by Tracy Scops
>> Lineart by Karl Paulson

>> Colors by D R Silva
How the Fuck Did They Never Break Up Peter and MJ?
It's NICE how things ALWAYS end up well for Peter and MJ, isn't it? All through the history of their relationship, there's been an absurd amount of random adversities, but somehow they have consistently managed to figure things out. Could it be that the answer lies in how extraordinarily good their sex-life is? Here's the definitive sex story of Peter and MJ… and whatever the world throws at them.
>> Story by Tracy Scops
>> Lineart by Alx
>> Colors by St. Clever

I don't have the specific release date for them yet, but my plan is to have them cut the line a little bit and be released before some of the other delayed stories. I'll keep you posted once I get the fully colored art in and have a better sense of how to schedule things better.

Back to work, now!
Talk, soon.





Hyped for both stories