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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding SPIDER-WOMEN in the comments below.




REVIEW: Spider-Women. Overall - Loved it. One of my favourite TS Spider porn parodies so far, and not just because I suggested it in a poll a few months ago, and not just because you worked in the pregnant Jess suggestion I also mentioned in messages with you sometime last year, but those definitely didn't hurt my enjoyment of it. Specifics - R-Ex's art was great, and I hope you have more projects planned with him in the future. Cover is sexy, a good pinup to communicate the idea of the comic without giving away the way the scenes actually play out. I really loved the lego minifigs on the recap page, too. Do they make those figs? If they do, I want them. Cindy and Jess talking about Jess's full boobs was good, too, and Jess looks super hot in that white t-shirt with those giant boobs. I like Jess's classic costume better in general, but this one has a different kind of appeal. I also really loved the joke about Nobel vs Marie Curie and the gender equality differences between the two worlds. That first big panel of Cindy with milk all over her face while both her and Jess are naked in the bathroom is awesome. Gwen peeing her pants as an excuse to get them off... less so. In general I have no problem with watersports/golden shower type fetishes, but this just felt a little juvenile. An alternative idea would have been for Gwen to have thrown them off the toilet and Jess and Cindy just keep making out on the bathroom floor while she pees, arousing her further. The panel of Jess grabbing her boob and spreading her pussy is also super hot, and the ol' pheromones excuse is as good as any to turn this into an orgy (especially when combined with pregnancy hormones). The pregnant-Jess montage page is my fave. The giant toys, girl-on-girl with Carol, sex with Spidey, and anal with Wolverine and Hulk are all great and totally in-character for Jess. Although, wouldn't it have been Old Man Logan at this time? Oh, well, still great. Honestly, I'd still read a full-on Adventures of preggers-Spider-Woman comic even though you've scratched that itch here. From there, everything continues nicely. Although lactation isn't a fetish of mine, the girls eagerly waiting with tongues out to catch white fluids flying at their face is still super hot. Reed's cock squeezed between Jess's giant boobs is amazing. Gwen webbing Reed down so she can get hers is amusing, although I imagine she didn't really need to. Did I mention I like the purple and black striped top on her? Reminds me of several of Ultimate Gwen's appearances, when she would wear something similar. Gwen going anal is always a win as far as I'm concerned, and getting an anal creampie while she makes out with Cindy is just fantastic to look at. Reed's dialogue is... something else, but funny in context, and, let's be honest, you've already done quite a bit of awkward science talk during sex, so this was a nice change. The George Stacy surprise cumshot ending was also great. When Gwenpool talks in this month's other comic about too much lettering over the art, this is what she was talking about. I could have done with less covering this otherwise super sexy ending. So, again, great comic, featuring my 3 favourite spider-women. Hope you have more planned with these 3, soon.


This was the comic I was looking forward to most this month. Lactation and pregnancy are some of my favorite fetishes, and seeing them in your comic definitely upped the 'YES' factor in my mind. And my pants. That said, I have to echo some of Gwen's own comments in the book. After a while, those smart puns started getting in the way of my enjoyment. And her dad showing up at the end did Not help matters in that regard. Sigh, old guy sex. No thank you, not my cup of tea. If I could've changed anything, I definitely would've liked to see some more of the 3 girls having their own fun without the boys getting involved. Although watching Reed go from genius to gangsta was definitely fun to read. Overall, good comic. I'm already wondering what's next.

Jack Charlotte

(I've had multiple failures in posting my response here. I've come to the conclusion that the size of the response might have been the cause, so I'll break it down a bit and post the remainder in a self-made reply): I've said this before when that first page was teased a while back, but I really dig r-ex's style; it's very reminiscent of Mark Bagely to me. If you ever did another Spider-Cest, I would love it if you could collab with r-ex on that as well, as I feel like he would be a perfect fit. With "Spider-Women," the art feels just a tad more refined and tweaked; the inks are a tad thinner, the lines are a bit sharper (Also, I seem to recall that teaser image having a brighter color scheme in the background, giving the impression of a late afternoon/evening setting, but the final product has a more neutral scheme. Any reason for the switch-up?). Any critiques I have on the art is that there appear to be these weird black streaks along Gwen's leg on Page 8. What was that all about?

Jack Charlotte

In terms of the writing though, I liked how quickly and effortlessly things were set up (Jess has a hormonal imbalance, Cindy is sheltered and curious, etc.) and dove straight into the eye candy. I suppose you could argue Jess doesn't get enough action, especially considering that the alleged solution to this "problem" was for her to come enough to stabilize her powers, but I figured that was a mere framework for the sexy times to ensue. Plus, you could also say Jess already had her fill all across Page 6 anyways (By the way, Jess/Carol is my own personal OTP. I would not object to that being the theme to a future comic, especially since Civil War II recently dispelled any chance of head-canon fodder to be made between those two). By the way, is Jess's baby really named Gerry? If so, cool MC2 reference. The only part I don't think I am able to properly discuss are the Earth-65 elements and whether or not they are authentic to the source material. With that said, I'm curious; is Spider-Gwen really that hung-up and neurotic in her series, or was that reaction to Jess's pheromones an in-narrative way of working around the grey area of that whole thing? My only real gripe is that Gwen never took her top off, but that's trivial; you have plenty more comics where I don't have to worry about that one concern. Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed "Spider-Women," probably even more so than "Gwenpool #2." Keep up the good work Tracy!


1) R-ex will return! Soon!™ 2) They don't make those minifigs officially, but you can easily find very detailed customs available on ebay. They're a bit more expensive than usual minifigs, but I think they're usually a fair price for customs (also, there's a lot of crafts offer, so the parallel market keeps them from making the price skyrocket). 3) I'll do a bit self-praising here: I consider this Nobel joke one of the most clever lines I've ever written, even more because they're absolutely canon-worthy. Big smile here. 4) Watersports are usually frowned upon by most readers, so I wanted to keep the idea without going too explicit. You might be right about it not quite working. But hey, I tried. ;) 5) You're right that by the timeline it should be old-man-Logan. But I'll rely on my creative liberties here and claim it was during Battleworld or something. Truth is, I just wanted classic Logan tushing Jess then. =D 6) The striped attire was a totally intentional homage to Ultigwen. 7) Reed's language in that last page was something I was honestly a bit unsure about. Could it sound offensive to part of my readers? But in the name of artistic freedom, I said what the hell. It suits the scene and is a nice joke. Nothing diminishing about it, just a plain trope of trace exaggeration. So I left it. 8) Patrons can always get the full clean art (inked and colored) with the +PLUS package. Those files have none of my verborragy over it and the images can be appreciated in their full glory.


Thanks, DG. I'm glad that I hit part of your fetishes and got you to enjoy those parts of the comic. I'm pretty sure there were some other readers that enjoyed those other parts much more and find preggo and milking kinda 'meh', but there's always new comics with new kinks coming around next month. Hopefully, more GO's then NO's next time...


Finally got to download the Spiderwomen files onto my comp and I have to say, very much worth the money. Jessica is clearly the star of the show and carries her motherhood and MILF status with that sultry grace that makes us all equally willing to drool over her like Cindy was :P Speaking of whom...gotta say I wasn't a fan at how...petite bordering on undeveloped she looked. I get that she's meant to be a Korean pintsize but at the same time I feel like the barely legal on her and spider gwen has emphasis on the 'barely' . That being said, Jess is the main attraction and the story's focus on her really sells how lusciously ripe and full figured she is...as well as how lusty too, especially during the flashback angle during her last trimester. That was so hot I put forward the motion that that get its own comic :D The peeing bit in the tub just seemed like a case of her not being able to get her pants down in time so it didn't register as sexual for me. Loved all the ways that Jess's lactation and curves were emphasized. uuuh, ran out of things to say, hope this helped


This book had top-quality art, the writing was fun and engaging, and I overall liked the scenes. I guess the only negative point of this book to me was that I didn't think Reed was a particularly interesting character, but this is probably because I dislike Reed-616. I consciously tried to give Reed-65 a fair shake but maybe I wasn't up to the task. Oh yeah, I also thought the peeing bit was too random. I didn't count it as being meant to be sexual but it was close enough that I kinda rolled my eyes a bit. I guess I prefer books that go all-out in fetishes over those that just lightly touch on them.


I would love to see Spider-man and 616 Spider Woman shipping, it's not official in the comic though it would be a good idea for a story. Maybe a threesome between classic Jess, Peter, and Felicia. Other than that this was a hot comic, although a little strange to be honest. It could have been handled a bit better with the scenes, though I guess different people like different things. My main critique is that it was too much dialogue and less erotic scenes, like the She-Hulk comic there could have been more Spidey and She-Hulk scenes or just her with other characters though it was mostly just story. Didn't really know who Reed was in this 65 universe. Although I would have preferred Reed Richards for some reason, or some actual stretching going on. This comic didn't really strike me personally as erotic, even though I have enjoyed each and every other one previously. As much as I enjoy comical or light storylines; the sensual and softer art done in previous ones really strikes me as appealing. Like the ones done in Spidercest and most of the Felicia and Peter ones. The more sexual positions there are, the more interesting the comic is to me personally. So I hope you do more of those. That being said I hope you keep Squirrel Girl in the next comic.


Was very, very good. I liked it lots. Though, I could've done without the toilet humor, but I'm weird about that.