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How do I shot milk?
Seriously... How?




Gotta love mama Jess. Oh and with the recent developements in her book, I guess Roger wouldn't mind tapping that :P

Hentai Borg

I can't unsee. I also can't breathe because I am laughtning.


Hey I don't know the intricacies of writing a porn comic, but is there any way we can get them to be longer?


Pretty intricate, indeed. I won't say it's impossible, but we would need 2x or 3x times more supporters for attempting it.

Jack Charlotte

I take it from this shot that Reed will be the last to be invited to the party then?


Proofreader voice: I think that should be "feeding" (providing food to) rather than "feeding on" (eating).


Thanks! English is not my first language, so I tend to make some mistakes from time to time. Text is updated now. ;)

Dennis King

Looking forward to seeing which entries you've picked for part 2 of this month's contest Tracy.


I was reading this and loling, when a question sprang into my brain and got me hyper-hyped, and that was, "Oh my god, where is Ultimate Jess and why isn't she involved in this?!?" At the moment I cannot recall if 616 Jess and Ult.Jess have ever "interacted" in any of your comics before (if someone recalls them together from previous issues, please let me know where it happened), but if it hasn't happened, why in the sufferin' Stan Lee has it not? and could you please make it happen soon, for the love of all that's Spidey? Also, somewhat along the same lines, has SpiderGwen ever run into MC2 Spider-Girl (May Parker)? Because that would be another amazing fantasy ( ;P ) of mine; just seeing Gwen's reaction to, and "interaction" with Peter and MJ's alternate futurekid would be pretty epic, and I really, honestly feel that way.


In the actual comics, Ultimate Jess is most likely dead with the rest of her universe. Only Miles, Bombshell and Reed Richards survived the post Secret Wars, I think. Mayday and Gwen met during Spiderverse. About your idea, stay tuned. Nice things may be coming somewhat soon.


Thank you for your super-quick reply! I don't know why for the life of me I can't remember Mayday's meeting with Gwen, I've read Spiderverse several times over... Anyway, thanks for the info and the heads-up; stuff like that is one of the many reasons why I think you're an awesome creator, and why I'm honored to be one of your patrons. :) I'm off to re-read Spiderverse again and refresh my memory (hopefully it sticks this time ;P ).


I like that new way of making preview. This is amazing.


I don't think they really interact in Spider-Verse, however, they become teammates in the comic series Web Warriors. They also barely interact there, and May is ditched after the first few issues, but there's that.


Thank you for sharing your info, Aracnido; good looking out! :) I never read Web Warriors; if you remember, would you please tell me how many issues were there, and is it worth hunting all of them down and buying them, or maybe look for a trade paperback collecting them, in your opinion?