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Well... crap!

Believe it or not, there was a lot of comic work done over the last few weeks, but mostly in scripts and artwork editing.

I have finally sent all pending Unlettered +Plus content for every comic released so far (...which took me almost a year, I know... real sorry about that).

I also sent all March forms to the Recapper tiers last week and sent the links for those who filled it already (...except maybe a few ones that may have filled theirs in the last few hours, but I'll get to those as soon as I publish this post).

As for April forms, they will be sent around April 10th.

Comics-wise, we are VERY close to having a handful of the pending stories ready for release and I'm thrilled to say SEVEN of them have been fully delivered by their artists. Some are still pending ambience and fine adjustments but overall, these seven stories only need lettering at this point and I just need to sit my butt at my work chair and get them done. Plan is to use this Easter Season for that and have cool comics to finally show for in the next few days.

Other than that, there are THREE comics still being illustrated/colored and FOUR others in various phases of scripting, which should be finalized soon and sent to the artists so they can do their magic.

That all sums up to FOURTEEN comics, which range from the due ones since OCT/22 to the ones coming MAY/23.

I understand your patience is probably wearing very thin at this point because I've been crawling in this slow mud for so many months, but if you're still somewhat emotionally invested in my work, all I'm asking is just a wee bit more of your confidence and patience.

Amazing things are coming to those who stay around.
Speaking of which...

Below is a description for the new rewards for April/23. Artwork and layouts for their covers are still in production and I'll update you guys with those as soon as I get something from their artists.


HOUSE OF XXX: Jean's Marvels
After sleeping with the Wolverine and making with Cyclops, Kamala Khan finally went on a date with Jean Grey! Soon it's nighttime atop the Eiffel Tower, and Ms. Marvel anxiously awaits what the last member of the famous mutant trio might have to say.
>> artwork by KALL ALVES

After a hard night's work, and dealing with some financial issues, Spider-Gwen is taking the last train home when she bumps into three stupidly drunk rich boys who make her an indecent offer that might be even stupider to refuse.
>> artwork by LLAMABOY

Once again, I have no words to tell you guys how much I appreciate your patience and trust on keeping supporting me during these slow production times.

I guarantee that whatever happens, ALL ANNOUNCED COMICS WILL BE EVENTUALLY DELIVERED, no matter how long it takes, even if I ultimately decide to close up shop somewhen in future.

So, for now...
Thank you, really!
More talk, soon.





I've been with you from the beginning and I'll stick around to the end, regardless of delays. That being said, I wish you could at least catch up on announcing the new comics before the end of the month, so that people can adjust their pledges based on an expectation of what's coming. Twice in recent history I've been charged for more comics than I actually need from your catalog because I didn't know what was coming and forgot to change my pledge from the previous month accordingly.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 05:25:06 You are a quality content creator, I will be here as long as your willing to keep going. Also life happens over the past few years we've all had things happen when you need to take time to keep your mind & body healthy don't be afraid to do so.
2023-04-03 02:39:50 You are a quality content creator, I will be here as long as your willing to keep going. Also life happens over the past few years we've all had things happen when you need to take time to keep your mind & body healthy don't be afraid to do so.

You are a quality content creator, I will be here as long as your willing to keep going. Also life happens over the past few years we've all had things happen when you need to take time to keep your mind & body healthy don't be afraid to do so.