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Hello smut believers!
It's time for a little update on the state of things.

Turns out that my colorist D R Silva had his Samsung tablet stopped working this weekend. He's been trying to fix it and/or having a new equipment borrowed by a friend, but at this point is just unrealistic to hope for that comic to come out this week. It's a bummer, I agree... This has been a tough comic to pull off, but I'm really looking forward to the end result. Lettering for page one is attached above, so I hope you all feel the same. I'm hoping for just one or maybe two more weeks for this, but honestly, I won't know for sure until the colorist send me the files.

Ant-Man and the Wasp #3:
With that decided, the release for this overdue, over-delayed, much anticipated comic is well on track for next Friday night (Pacific Time). The pages are already pre-lettered, but now I'm working on fine-tuning Luis' mannerisms on language. If you've read the first two issues, you'll know what I'm talking about.

HOUSE of XXX: Dinner at the Darkholmes:
This comic's lineart stage should be completed in a couple more days. Cover art wasn't revealed yet because Kall Alves personally prefers doing covers last. He feels it results in a better, more compelling piece after he gets to spend more time with the characters in the inner pages (which were 10 for this story, by the way). He's working on the cover now and I should have inks to show for very soon. Current schedule is currently okay for the planned date of release.

The Illuminaughti:
This comic's lineart stage should be completed next week. Coloring has already started and the current schedule is well on track for the planned date of release.

November Comic #A:
Artwork for this one is well advanced, colors included. If all goes well, all art will be completed in the next 10 days.

November Comic #B:
Script for this one is fully completed. and artwork is underway. Colors will start shortly after. Current plan is to have this comic's coloring completely finished by the end of October.

December Comic #A:
Script for this one is also fully completed, and artwork is underway, with lines and colors being done by the same artist. Current plan is to have this comic's full artwork completely finished by mid-November.

December Comic #B:
Script for this one is also fully completed. Artwork will start soon, since the artist is finishing one other of the upcoming comics. Lines and colors will be done by the same artist. Current plan is to have this comic's full artwork completely finished by the end of November.

That's it for now.
Back to work, then.

Thanks once again for the amazing support!




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