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Edit: Added further examples...

While I'm still working to try and avoid delaying the release Gwenxposure (fingers crossed it won't come to that), some patrons asked me if it was really necessary for me to fully redo the art on that comic.

I'll put a comparison pic of the original along with Llamaboy's version and let you guys judge if I was right in making that decision.

Let me know in the comments?




Taking out the bias I have towards Llamaboy, I still feel it's the better choice. No disrespect to the artist, but the one on the left doesn't have any motion or action. They seem more posed while I can imagine Llamaboy's images moving


I love the original more


I can't share the rest of the pages yet, since the comic is not finished and it'd spoil the story, but I somewhat agree that the original page one isn't really all bad. However... the work really went downhill after that.


Ahh 😢 Hope you get all figured out cause the recent, That Night in 66’ art was amazing too. So this Gwen’s original art kinda reminded me of that.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Having read quite a bit of comics smut online, I can almost perfectly imagine how it could/would go downhill.


I agree that the original art was of lower quality, however I do think it's style was a little more in keeping with comics vs. say Manga. If you find an artist who can do something that is stylistically like a Byrne/Perez/JRjr or the like, it would be nice to see some art like that. But only if it is up to standards of quality. I think especially when doing a porn comic it would be nice to see stories that take place further back in continuity that copy the styles of the artists of the times.


NGL, def like the original better. I prefer a more realistic style in art. Nice to see the women look more real life.


Indeed, the style was what made me gonwith the original artist in the first place. But the art quality he delivered was too low and I too sub par on what I aim to deliver in my comics.

Brady Schaefer

The figures in the original aren't really bad, but the background and objects look kind of... off. I know color changes things a lot and we are only looking at black & white inks, but the phone in that first panel just looks weird and the wide shot of the room feels flat.


both looks good, but out of all artist you have for any of your comics. Llamaboy is my favorite one. I think my profile picture show that lol.


I think Llamaboys art is more dynamic and leaps off the page, but I've never found his art style arousing. I prefer the original, even though it's a bit more flat


Yeah... Like I mentioned a bit above. The "classic style" is what made me work with the first artist. But despite his interesting style, his artwork was plainly full of problems. Bad anatomy, bad proportions on character's faces and bodies, several mistakes in the angles and depictions of scenery, etc... Flat expressions was the very least of problems...


Well now I'm very interested in all the original panels lol, just to critique if nothing else