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While there's a new comic coming out later this week, we still have TEN new comics to be released before 2022 ends.

Some of them are still in script phase, but some others are already being illustrated, and are currently in different stages of development (as you can see in these previews above).

Though I am very excited for what is coming next, there's also ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING that I want to remind you about.

If you're reading this it means you're already supporting me and I want to make you sure of how much I appreciate it. Your pledge is what makes these comics happen and without you, they will stop being produced.

This campaign depends exclusively on your financial support but I'm sad to say that with the current state of the world, every day it becomes pricier to have them produced. 

Artists rates have been heavily impacted by inflation over these years and their work have becoming increasingly more expensive.

And despite your amazing financial support, the number of patrons isn't growing to equalize with the the production costs in a way to keep this campaign economically healthy. Which means I have been paying more and more from my own pockets every month, but I won't be able to that that much longer.

I am doing what I can to promote this campaign in social media and whatnots, hoping to attract more supporters, and I hope that brings results before this year ends.

Now, if that doesn't happen, there might be some necessary changes starting 2023, regarding costs and/or number of monthly releases, which I only hope can be enough to avoid ultimately needing to shut everything down my comics production for good.

There are a few possibilities in ways this could go next year, like increase the pledging tier prices or even reduce monthly releases from 2 to 1, with 10-12 pages each instead of the current 8 (reducing comics size from 8 to less is not a viable option though, for narrative constraints).

Honestly, I'd really prefer it didn't come to that and things stayed as they are, but unless funds improve, it's very likely that a change will be necessary.

Well then...
Once again, thank you so much!

For what's worth, even if this campaign is really coming to an end, it's been an awesome ride. You helped these happen and that means the world to me.

Most kindly,




I just realized I should've made this post public. But I can't because there's NSFW images in it. Sheesh! Guess I'll have to repost it later with a different image...


The bottom right, Rogue 😍😍 cant wait


1 per month with more pages would be ok , i love longer issues but in anycase i will keep supporting the great work you and your team does.


I am raising my monthly donation starting next month and I encourage others to do the same. Also tell any of your friends who would be interested in tracyverse comics to come sign up as well! Thanks Tracy

Shodd Rivers

The one-per-month plan seems solid. I've increased my pledge as well as plan on telling people about these comics. The Tracy-Verse will live to see issue #300!!


Have you thought about doing some DC comics based ones as well maybe one DC and one Spider-man/Marvel comic. Might attract new patreons


DC is too toxic and virulent on taking down parody content. Many of my colleagues had problems with Warner lawyers. I’d rather stay the hell away from them.


Really? If we don't count your comics I see much more DC parody stuff than Marvel parody content


I've been doing this for 10 years, so yeah... I've seen the damage they can make. It's the reason Something Unlimited and Princess Trainer had to be retitled and then removed from Patreon, for example.