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Hello there,

I'm feeling a bit better from my flu-thing.  It's not Covid apparently, according to the drugstore test I took today.

Not sure if it's because of this health hiccup or sue to the 200th comic milestone, but I feel kinda emotional lately.

“True believers” is how Stan Lee always referred to the Marvel Comics faithful fans. But perhaps most important, it was also his own belief in his creations and co-creations. 

It was this genuine, heart-filled faith that he could inspire the minds of his readers. In some ways, that resonates with me. I started doing these smut comics because I wanted to see smut comics like these in the world. 

By then, almost a decade ago, comics like mine were extremely rare to find. Not that there's an abundance of them today, but you can certainly see more of your favorite's characters sexuality being explored by artists in a quick Google search.

I'm not sure if I had something to do with that, but that was honestly my goal when I started these. Art is a process of inspiration and expression. I have nothing to talk about unless I fuel myself with what I see in the world, and I truly hope that whatever I put myself out there inspire people to do even better than me.

So when I call you smut-believers, I really mean it.
You are the ones who contribute and make it possible that I keep creating these.

Because of that, once again... Thank you so much for the amazing support.

Concealed Gunnads was finally released yesterday!

But, as you probably already saw in my latest posts, I needed to push the un-delaying agenda one-week further for all remaining releases.

I did manage to deliver five comics in five weeks, but I realized that took a lot from me, sleeping much less than the ideal hours and probably contributing to get my immunity vulnerable to the winter we're facing in my land.

So, yeah... We'll resume with the releases next week.

In the meantime, I'll use this time to deal with other aspects of this campaign. Finish scripts for artists to start one upcoming stories that'll be released in the following months, for example.

I have also been taking some time to write details of the comic-making process for the +PLUS patrons. They're sort of behind-the-scenes, extra-commentary, and are currently available for these comics:

...some words about CONCEALED GUNNADS 
...some words about SPIDER-GWEN: THOT-SPIDER 

+PLUS patrons also have access to the Discord Tracyverse Server, where I'll be posting even more work-in-progress content and be available to discuss the behind-the-scenes aspects in even greater detail.

Well, then.
I'll try and take it a bit slower this week, but I'll still be doing lots for what's to come.

Thank you again for, well... Everything.

So keep on fappin' on!

- Art credits:
Art by Llamaboy with colors by Thunkstudio
LetyDoesStuff poster by Freeglass 



Shodd Rivers

Glad to hear you're feeling better Tracy! Keep getting rest until your back at 100%. Or at least 70% and have Lety do the other 30😂

Sven M.

Take your time. Getting healthy again is the most important thing.