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Hello there, smut believers!

As we approach the surprising milestone of 200 comics released, there's some things I wanna talk about, so let me just enlist them below.

The Un-Delaying Agenda:

Barring a few small bumps, I think the dreaded un-delaying agenda is going quite well so far.

- 3 out of the 8 previously delayed comics have been delivered.
- 1 is well on schedule for a Friday, 26th release (lettering is mostly complete, coloring still need some tweaks)
- Art for next week's comic is almost finished (Llamaboy for the win!)
- The other 3 remaining are also advancing properly within expectations.

Next week I'll talk about the 2 comics coming for September and I'll also provide an effective release date for them, which is currently set to be right after the last of the current un-delayings.

Improving income and funds:

Now, despite all the good winds, somethings aren't going so well.
I've started working with new artists for the new scripts I've been writing and despite my best efforts, the economic situation is not really ideal right now.

I don't plan on raising prices of my comics, at least for now, but there are some things that I'll need to put in motion to get funds to match the current inflation of the world.

So, starting soon, there'll be some posts that will be available only for the $16 +Plus Subscribers and above.

The rewards will continue as they are, but being a +Plus patron will provide an increasing amount of perks that won't be available for lesser tiers.

I'm still working on the specificities, but along with the access to the Discord server that's currently only available for that tier, everything but the comics themselves will be only available for +Plus patrons. These shall include more comprehensive previews, polls, deeper look into works-in-progress and even weighing in upcoming content.

I am also planning other forms of improving funds, but for now I'd rather add perks to those that are willing to support deeper, instead of cutting content from those that are supporting the current model.

Maybe this needs a bit of emphasis again: 

All funds received go into comics. Even more these days, since I've been funding the costs of the un-delaying from my own pocket. 
I won't be able to do that for much longer, so we either get this campaign improved, or... It'll be a nice story to remember someday.

Feedback Threads:

I won't be making any more feedback posts. Not only they were underused by the vast majority of patrons, they've become disruptive to my creative process. Feedback will still be welcome in the Discord, where a conversation can be held, but the one-sided commenting model simply wasn't working and I am pulling the plug on that.

New and Old Collaborating Artists:

It's not any news that I've had a lot of my usual collaborating artists enduring personal challenges lately. I don't think our work together was the cause of any of those (at least I hope not, considering I did my best to help as I could in terms of finances and extended deadlines), but fact of the matter is that it's been tough overall for the great majority of creative people everywhere. 

To put it better... It's been tough for everyone. Period. It's just that creative people are also a bit more sensitive to emotional stress, and that impact tends to be quite enhanced on them, generally speaking.

So, a few of them have taken a hiatus, others decided to look for different things in life. A few even got so much more talented that they kinda surpassed my own budget limitations and I just can't afford their improved talent anymore.

Because of that, sometimes I need to try new collaborators, which always present some sort of performance risk. So there's always some kind of gamble and results may vary. 

Of course there's also the factor that I'm always trying different things in my narrative process, and that too is prone to sporadic failure.

What I'm saying is... The artistic craft is about expression and taking chances. Sometimes the fruits are sweet, sometimes there's barely more than just the lesson of a bad experience. Not all comics will be great. Hopefully, a few will be awesome, but expect some pretty disasters now and then.

This campaign:

This is not a big mainstream company.
This is a small artisan atelier.

I don't run a comic shop.
I run a campaign to keep producing new stuff.

You're not buying comics here.
You're supporting me to make more.

Rewards, old and new, are simply the result of all that.

Most of the times it's just me, figuring out something nice to make a new story about. 

I am incredibly thankful for my artist collaborators (Llamaboy in special), my dedicated and frequent co-writer-slash-friend LetyDoesStuff, my main proofreader Ross and, above all, YOU, my patient supporters. I couldn't make any of this without you.

Even with so many places online bad-mouthing my comics... Places where leakers feed these disrespecting commenters. People who do nothing but bash my stories, some even putting their own logos onto them... Making me lose dozens of patrons when a leak happens... 

Even with all that, you still make all this worthwhile.

The state of the world is quite bleak right now and to be able to keep providing these silly, amusing comics to you guys every month is surely blissful.

So, despite all entitlement, prejudices and foul assumptions I keep receiving on a daily basis, I still plan on keep this going.

But do keep in mind that a crop you don't water frequently, may not last forever.

It's been 10 years, with +200 comics already written (some still on their way for release), and it's been fun.

Maybe there's 200 more to make.
But unless things improve soon, that possibility is getting slimmer each month.

I've got comics to make.
Time is short and there are lots to do still.

As always, thank you so much for your support.
All of you, the ones that are here now and the ones that once were.





Have just upped my longterm subscription from subscriber to subscriber plus. I've always loved being able to see the works in progress so it seemed like a no brainer! Times are definitely tough for creatives at the moment so fully get the need to sure up the financials right now. I definitely agree that the feedback posts need to go as I've yet to see them be used particularly productively which can't be any kind of positive influence on the creative mindset or more importantly mental health. Obviously understand the natural stresses and risks with working with new or unfamiliar talent but am for one excited at the prospect of seeing what they can bring to the table and am sure for every project that your not satisfied with there will be two that a fantastic! Loving the stuff you've been putting out and dearly hope that you'll keep doing the good work but if that becomes impossible contrary to what you said - It won't just be "a nice story to remember someday"... it'll be over 200 nice stories to remember you by!


I'm upping my monthly subscription just to make up for those jerks that post your content and you lose subscribers. I have appreciated your comics for years and I look forward to many more!


I truly appreciate the kind words. You have no idea how scarce they are in the sea of vitriol that's my inbox.


Well, to be honest, many people’s financial affairs are not very good now, and as we can see now, the economy of many countries is undergoing difficulties, which has affected people and their lives. I hope the situation will change for the better soon... Best of luck!


Exactly. That's why I'm trying not to raise prices for my comics, and offer extra incentives for those that would like to support more. Nothing is being taken away. I'm just adding more perks for anyone who'd like to chip in with a bit extra.