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When Mysterio is confronted by Spidey during a Museum heist, they accidentally conjure an eromantic enchantment that materializes Peter's most prurient desires. Now, the three women of his wet dreams wait for him, in their most intense versions, for an unparalleled obscene experience.
Pencils and Inks by ExDee / Colors by Carl Ailes

Jen has been in a courtroom a thousand times, but this time, she's on the other side of the bench (again!?). Can she lawyer herself out of it? Will she hulk the hell out of it? Or is breaking the 4th wall the best option in this case? Be a witness for... The People versus Jennifer Walters.
Pencils and Inks by Rllas / Colors by Carl Ailes

The full list of available comics can be seen in the link below:




Hmm. I love what *you've* done so far... but the artist for She Hulk seems to have a problem with faces. The two expressions on the first page alone seem copy and pasted. :/


It's not exactly copy/pasted, but you're right about being too similar to one another. And I regret to say that he DID copy/pasted some templated components of a few panels later on the comic. I already told him I won't accept him doing that again. I'll also use this opportunity to explain something that I don't think I have addressed before. The great majority of my artists are aspiring pros, at best. Even with the awesome resources you guys help me get to fund them, it's not enough to hire experienced professional level artists (who're eager to work with smut, above all). I mean, despite the professional look I always aim for in these comics, my talent staff do have some limitations, which tend to appear on anatomy problems (faces, hands, proportions), constance (quality and style varying from one panel to another), deadlines (some of the last panels/pages start to looked rushed) and even breach of contract (lack of professionalism and/or panicking on their job duties). I'm not saying this as some sort of apology or excuse for the problems in my stories, which do exist in a wide variety (and many of them are my own fault too), but it's just things as they are. What I can promise is that I'm always aiming high, trying hard and, above all, pull out 2 awesome comics every month on their due dates. So, know that there will always be some sort of errors, problems, typos and eventual delays here and there. It's part of my effort to always improve by trial and error. I just hope that they're always minimal, compared to the level of cool stuff that I (and my collaborators) do make right. =)

Just another Monday

Given the copy/paste for the She-Hulk book, will you be returning to the artist in the future or not really?


He is currently work on another comic, with my considerations in mind. If he makes the same mistakes, that will be the last collaboration between us.

Akira Inugumi

I just wish the preview pages were a little better I still can't read anything :-/