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Currently at 80% of lettering.
All art adjustments are completed.
All seems good for delivering it in around 24h from now.
Let's fucking go!!


Hey guys!
I'm currently at 65% of lettering in this comic. It's going quite slower than I wanted because I took in consideration the answers from the poll I posted a few days ago.

So, I decided to tweak some art details on the pages before release, and it has delayed progress a bit.

And that's how I'll use the next two days to do so.

To be true, the comic is quite nice already, but there's important visually narrative adjustments that I feel the story still need.

So, yeah...
Friday is the day.

As a small token of gratitude for your enormous patience, here's the first FOUR of the comic's pages, just to sooth a bit of that prolonged wait.

Couple more days is all I need.
Thanks once again!

...and keep on fappin' on!



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