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Hey there, my dearest patrons.

To say these are troubled times we're living in, is an absolute understatement.
I'm sure it's not the worst civilization has ever seen (not yet at least, unless World War III starts tomorrow), but it sure has been challenging as fuck.

I've never had so many of my collaborating artists struggling with personal issues at once. It's either mental and/or physical health, changes of residence, familiar struggles, or even the unbearable grieving loss of dear ones.

Because of that, it's been impossible to have a realistic release date for any of the comics currently in production. I've added the attached image to this post to give you guys an overlook of how the progress is going for those six comics.

As you can see, they're in different stages of progress, but none are quite in their final stages of completion.  Though there is notable progress in most of them (especially when compared to the last overlook I posted a few weeks ago), the final completion for them is still a bit uncertain. 

As I mentioned above, it's all due to the special circumstances of each collaborating artist, which has different impacts on each comic, independently of how delayed they are.

As for me, I remain as productive as possible for these last few weeks.Still talking to a new artists and collaborators, preparing new scripts and such. I don't have any specific details on what's coming for August and forward, but I will address that before this month ends.


To make things a little bit less awful, most of these stories have additional pages from the usual 8-pagers. I don't think it compensates for the enduring patience on their release, but it's a little bit of extra effort as a mean to accomplish an even better resulting story in when they're finally ready for sendouts.

In the mean time, I attached these overlooking previews for all 6 delayed comics. They're purposely small to keep you from unwanted spoilers, but still visible enough for you to get a glimpse that it's an actual work-in-progress.

So... That's it for now.
I wish I had more precise info to share with you today, but... Sorry.
Life has STILL been absurdly challenging.

Thank you once again for your always generous patience.
I'm working hard to be able to share better news in the next posts.

Until then, most kindly,
- Tracy.



Philip Whitby

Send our love to your artists. I hope you all take care of yourselves.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Say it loud and belt it out from the rooftops: GOOD! WRITING! AND! ART! IS! WORTH! WAITING! FOR!


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you had and still have to endure so many difficulties. Hope everything gets back to normal soon